Alright ladies and gentlemen, before we start Part 3, I want to do - TopicsExpress


Alright ladies and gentlemen, before we start Part 3, I want to do a brief recap of the first two parts of how we have gotten here. In Part 1, we discussed how there are certain people disparaging Melissa Diegel and spreading slanderous information about her and how it needs to stop. We also discussed how some of the slander is being done by people claiming to be Christians. In addition, we went into how important it is to give God the Glory in all things. Part 2 addressed the questions of why Melissa has not had the exposure that Lou Pelletier had, such as media coverage and a large following. We went into the fact that Melissa has been held back by an unconstitutional gag order and that she has been isolated and alone. In addition, there has been very little media coverage in the mainstream media. This is why Melissas story has not had the coverage that other stories, such as the Justina Pelletier story has had. As we go into Part 3, it is very important that you keep in mind the state of two young girls, Kayla and Hannah Diegel and that you cannot ignore the fact that their health has been getting worse since being in cps custody. A few weeks ago, an article was published. You might have seen it on Miracle for Two Sisters and on Health Impact News, Inquisitr, Liberty Unyielding, Off the Grid News, and other news sources. It connected the medical experimentation being done on kids, such as Hannah and Kayla and Justina Pelletier. It has drawn a line in the sand and has polarized the opinions of alot of people. When I started sharing this story, I was snubbed big time. When I tried to emphasize the value of the article, I was told off and given what is essentially double talk. My response was to block one particular person who did this. I have since UNblocked them but I trust that my point has been made. It is not right to tell someone off and refuse to allow any room for discussion of any kind. I dont understand why Melissa Diegel gets smeared while her sick daughters are overlooked. They have lost a considerable amount of body weight and have had injuries, such as bruises, in cps custody, but under Melissas custody, they flourished. You just cant deny the reality of things like this. You cant deny the evidence when it is placed under your nose. And if you do, I have to wonder about your heart. I really do. Oh yeah, you could block me in response, BUT, if you do that, I can safely conclude that you are copping out. Hannah and Kayla cant afford cop outs. They are very sick and need medical attention immediately. They need your voice. They need your advocacy. Regardless of what you think about Melissa, these girls need your voice. Join Miracle for Two Sisters and add your voice to many others who are speaking out. Another thing worth discussing is why is it that some people wont even allow any counterpoints and debate over the situation with Melissa Diegel? Why is it that they have every right to smear Melissas name all they want and say what they want about her but others are not allowed to give a refute? Why is it that certain people have been BANNED even for discussing Melissa and trying to share her side of the story? Understand something, Melissa is held back by a gag order. However, she has people who are her voice, trying to share her side of the story. Shouldnt her side of the story be shared? Why squelch other views? Shouldnt that be allowed to be talked about? Shouldnt there be a roundtable discussion? Why the outright banning? To me that is banning for no apparent reason. Its not right. Not right at all. Especially when you add in that even though Melissa is following the gag order, the unconstitutional gag order, I should once again add, there has been a 180 page contempt of court motion filed against her in retaliation for the efforts of her advocates. A big protest has been scheduled in response to fight against this nonsense. It is time for the smear campaigns to stop. And that goes DOUBLE for those who claim to be Christians doing the smearing!!! And Melissas story is not the only one going on in Arizona. Its not simply about her. If you look at the articles on Miracle for Two Sisters, you will find that Arizona is essentially a hotspot for cps abuse and medical kidnapping. An average of thirty-two children per day are taken. Now tell me, are there REALLY that many abusive families in Arizona??? Thirty-two is an awful high number, dont you think? Calculate that number out to one month and that is close to 1,000 kids taken. In one year, close to 11,520 kids. Thats alot of kids. And with the whole cash for kids scandals that have been brought up, you have to ask yourself one thing--how much money is being made here??? Nancy Schafer talked about something similar and it cost her her life, her and her husbands. And in Arizona, there are even stranger things going on too. There have been numerous incidents in which kids are sleeping in the caseworkers offices. Why is this? Why are so many kids in foster care in the state of Arizona alone??? What is going on??? Add in that National Adoption Day in Maricopa County has been the largest adoption day in the United States for the past six years. Yes, you read it right. Maricopa County has the largest number of adoptions on National Adoption Day in the ENTIRE country. And Maricopa County just happens to be the county where the Diegels live too. Something very strange is going on here. And its not just on Miracle for Two Sisters that you find horror stories of medical kidnapping. There are sites on Facebook detailing this horrible situation. One such page is Free Christopher, which guess what, happened in Arizona. Lisa Meltzer recently had her two year old son taken as well, and she was only asking for assistance from cps because of shallow resources. There are countless others too. So the question you have to ask yourself is this? Why are people bashing Melissa Diegel when there are other similar stories of medical kidnapping and cps abuse going on in Arizona as well??? Do you really have the right to smear Melissa like you do and not allow room for discussion??? You have to explain these other matters going on in Arizona as well. Dont you think it is time for the nonsense to stop? Dont you think it is time for the smear tactics to stop? Dont you think you owe Melissa Diegel an apology for the way that you have acted? Its time to knock off the nonsense and roll up your sleeves and help these girls who are suffering as well as all the other kids who are suffering in an unjust and corrupt system. And when you say that someones kids were taken for a reason, it is obligatory for you to say EXACTLY what those reasons are instead of saying they were taken for a reason and leaving it at that. What were the reasons??? Do tell. Do tell. Or retract your comment. Either they were taken for a reason or they werent. And if they were, then you need to say WHAT those reasons were or your argument is of no value. Its THAT simple. Proverbs 6:16-19: There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: HAUGHTY EYES, A LYING TONGUE, And hands that shed innocent blood, A HEART THAT DEVISES WICKED PLANS, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A FALSE WITNESS WHO UTTERS LIES, And one who spreads strife among brothers.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:08:47 +0000

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