Alright, let me apologize, because I know nobody likes to read - TopicsExpress


Alright, let me apologize, because I know nobody likes to read long rants... I am so sick and tired of people who think that its okay to get at me as they would put it. I know that you know this is about you, and you are probably going to get pissed, but I really dont care. You have exceeded a certain level of disrespect and Im so tired of it--It honestly makes me sick to my stomach. I get so irritated every time you bring it up and I honestly want to slap some sense into you. A compliment here and there might be okay, provided you dont cross the line. Heres the issue I have with you. On numerous occasions, I have told you that I am in a relationship and that I am not interested. No, I do not step out on my relationships, nor do I find it attractive in any way that you and your girlfriend are okay with that kind of behavior. I am not a prize, Im not a trophy, Im not another notch in your belt. No, sir. I am a valuable human being that has a lot to offer. I know that Im smart, I know that Im fun. Im not anyones side dish-I refuse to ever be that for someone. I also refuse to be a woman who is the reason for the end of someones relationship. Youre in a relationship for a reason; if youre unhappy, then leave. Youve obviously stuck around up to this point, so if nothing is wrong, STAY. Im pretty sure your girl would be pretty pissed off to see a copy of the conversations youve tried to have with me. Im sure shed be even more pissed off to see how persistent you have been regardless of how many times I have told you NO. Moving forward, regardless of my relationship status , the answer will still be no. I choose to have meaningful relationships in my life. And I also choose to respect myself and my body enough to not be a one night stand or a reason for you to have bragging rights to your friends.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 23:12:13 +0000

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