Alright let me get something off my chest here. Someone felt the - TopicsExpress


Alright let me get something off my chest here. Someone felt the need to give me some flack for wearing my heart on my sleeve and always positing positive messages on FB. I dont share everything that happens in my life but somethings I feel the need too. Why? Because I know I am not the only one going through something in life. There are some going through situations similar to mine. There are others that have gone through or are going through something far more difficult. So I do my best everyday to bring a positive message to FB. Simply because we are living in a world that is more attracted to negativity and accepting average or just surviving as a way of life. I have my days where I allow certain things to get to me. But hey I am human and I developing a better version of me. Look I grew up being surrounded by negativity never viewing life beyond what I can see. I know that I am not the only one. I used to play the victim to life and never take responsibility for what was going on. Up until about 4 years ago did I realize exactly what I was doing to myself. Life certainly has its way of knocking one down and keeping them there. Until they either surrender or they start fighting back. Sometimes the dark times seem so dark and overwhelming that we loose any and all focus on our blessings and give in to our circumstances. But somehow and someway for those who are ready and sometimes not ready. God shows us the light and brings back our hope to pick ourselves up. Dust ourselves off and start moving forward. If I can reach one person to help them through a difficult situation than I have lived my purpose in life. Regardless of what anyone has to say. I have embraced and love sharing positive messages with the world. I do it because I want to. Not for the likes or recognition. I try to encourage and inspire through several forms of social media. I have connected with some phenomenal people and developed some great friendships because of it. And since then Life has changed in many ways and take it from someone who was absolutely broken and still dealing with a lot personally. I am hear to tell you from experience that no matter where you come from or where you are at in life. You absolutely have the power within yourself to do great things for you and the ones you love. Situations may not be ideal right now But I promise you that God and with all your faith and taking the action he will provide you with what is best. Take the time to watch this video and dont ever hesitate to message if you just need to vent or talk to someone. https://youtube/watch?v=r3MxMfzWfbE
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 18:22:21 +0000

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