Alright, now thanks to the genius of Admiral Yamamoto at the - TopicsExpress


Alright, now thanks to the genius of Admiral Yamamoto at the attack of Pearl Harbor the Japanese navy had a gargantuan advantage over the United States. Were it not for Nimitz the US Navy would have been easily eliminated, lets say for this that Nimitizs Communications Experts did not in fact crack the Japanese Code and Nimitz still trusted them. Lets say instead of a tide turning victory the US suffered a humiliating defeat effectively destroying the US Navy in the Pacific before the entire US Army had the time to mobilize. Should the Japanese have won their next logical target would be Hawaii, which, frankly stood no chance at all and would have been easily conquered. Much like Wake Island, after ceasing Hawaii the Japaneses next logical target was California, if they could take California the entire US West coast would be doomed, and wed have little chance of stopping the Japanese until they had a good chunk of Nevada. Now, lets say that the US didnt have the willpower our Soviet counterparts had, lets say we capitulated and surrendered to the Japanese being theyd have several of our largest cities held hostage. And if the United States capitulated to the Japanese Empire we would also be forced to cease our economic support of the Chinese Resistance, Soviet Union, and Great Britain. And without the threat of the United States Germany would have been in a far superior state with their invasion of Britain. And the English would have no hope of an offensive, so, they too would logically capitulate. As Hitler would want to face the far more significant threat that the Soviet Union represented. And lets say that the Japanese too recognized the last threat to their Empire in the nation that defeated their armies when they attacked Mongolia. So, lets say instead of the two front war that the Soviets faced in Chechnya and against Germany, they faced a three front war against Japan, Germany, and Chechnya. Now, even still, I wouldnt count the Soviet Union out. English bombing runs against the German industrial power would have ceased, but it should be noted they didnt reach their peak anyway until the end of the war. But the Ball Bearings factories they had would have been untouched, allowing Germany to produce more Panzers, and King Tiger tanks, and Panther tanks. But, the Soviets could respond to that with the awesome power of the T-34, which was just as efficient as a Panzer but could be produced in far greater numbers. And in significant enough numbers they could overwhelm the Germans Tiger tanks and Panthers as they did historically. And being that the war dragged on considerably longer the Soviets would have developed the AK-47 during the war which would allow them to far out produce the Germans and Japanese both in individual equipment. And the invention of the MIG-Fighter which would even out the air game between Germany and Japan both. The Japanese however, were ill-equipped for Winter Warfare and their armoured units were beyond useless and stood no chance against their Soviet counterparts. They also still have to contend with the Chinese resistance and the Pilipino resistance. And the Germans need to contend with the Polish, Dutch, Norwegian, Greek, and French resistance cells. Now lets talk allies. The Germans, the Japanese, the Italians, and POTENTIALLY the Spaniards compared to the Soviet force which would have likely consisted of the Mongolians, the Chinese, and POTENTIALLY the Indians, Canadians, Pakistanis, and Australians. Lets say that Australia managed to form a successful defensive force which would be formed when Australians would have been recalled from the Western Offensive, easily doubling their armed forces. And I personally doubt that the Japanese would leave them alone, so lets say the Soviets force five percent of the Japanese military against them...And commanding it, would be the logical choice of Yamashita, the Tiger of Malaya. Meanwhile the Siberian Army under Rokossovsky would form in the Soviet Union, while originally intended to face the Germans and historically it provided the resources to finally conquer Germany...It would instead be split in half, Chekov and Vasilevsky commanding the forces that stayed in Siberia or moved to Mongolia respectively. While the rest would go to Zhukov on the Western Front, now the Soviets navy was much like the Germans mostly submarines which I suspect would be dispatched the Black Sea to prevent the Japanese from invading Georgia, or Crimea. While the Japanese would likely open up two fronts, an attack at Vladivostok and an invasion of Mongolia. I suspect Chekov would have been given command in Siberia and knowing him, hed want to remove the Japanese Navys ability to assist the Japanese invasion force, likely under Terauchi and their Mongolian force would likely be assigned to Hata considering his experience with Mongolia. The lines would likely stabilize at the Altai mountains where Chekov could gain complete air supremacy over Japanese forces. And the lack of roads in the Altai mountains make the Soviets dependent on natives as guides, as the Japanese are doomed to develop roads through one of the most brutal winters in Russian history. While being bombed constantly, I suspect their logistical lines would fall apart and should they not back off Chekov would decimate their forces. But, I cant claim to think like Terauchi as Im not as familiar with him as Chekov so Ill drop it there. Meanwhile, Vasilevsky and the Mongolian armies would be facing the Japanese invasion of the South. Hata and Vasilevsky are both familiar with each others strategies but the Soviets have the advantage in terrain, equipment, while the Japanese can basically call upon endless reinforcements. So I feel a bloody WWI-esque stalemate would form. So against Japan, I think the Soviets would have formed a stalemate or ultimate victory after losing much of Eastern Siberia. Were it a victory, in Siberia, World War II would have ended in a much similar manner, as the Soviets would have pushed south, Chekov linking with Vasilevsky before linking with Mongolian forces and then with the Chinese resistance, conquering the ill-defended mainland of the Japanese Empire. Gaining substantial support of the natives which were treated in horrific manners by the Japanese. Gaining enough support to cement their influence and force Japan to declare peace, at which point the Siberian armies likely with Asian support would move to the Eastern front, in which things were likely unchanged so long as Hitlers inept self still ruled. And they would have pushed Germany back at a MUCH slower rate than historically, but they would have also ceased all of Western Europe. They already beat 90% of Germanys military capability, I suspect that they could have handled the full 100% especially when supported by the T-34s, Migs, and AK-47s with Zhukovs leadership.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 13:16:05 +0000

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