Alright quick blurb on the subject of the WHOs health concerns - TopicsExpress


Alright quick blurb on the subject of the WHOs health concerns over Ebola or any other pathogen that threatens humanitys existence. If you think about how many people die every year from bee stings, flu, or even peanut allergies it would accumulate to around 1-3.5 million people EVERY YEAR! Now take that fact and weigh it to what the MSM and your health organizations are trying to convince you of. So what if 50+ people had died from Ebola, that number in the scale of a world population ratio is so small there is almost no way to compute a mathematical fraction to represent its impact. What must be understood is the number of companies who are invested around the profits of meaningless vaccinations and prey on your fears and your ill-education of the matter and use scare tactics just like West Nile, Swine Flu, Chumbawamba (what ever its called), et al., please know that if you want to really be frightened about a deadly strain that can kill you today its most likely that the human strain is the most deadly threat that you face on a daily basis. So wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, beware of your surrounding for strangers and avoid the mainstream media for empirical information, all in all media only represents 40% actual fact in anything they report. There Ive done my good deed for the day. Oh yeah and buy my damn soup, the nutrition value alone is enough to ward off any seasonal illnesses and the amount of Lycopene contained within is enough to keep your ass looking young and vibrant! 100% fact yo! Having a diet rich in tomatoes is, “likely to contribute to improved skin health, which in turn may have an anti-ageing effect,” concludes Dr. Mark Birch-Machin. Professor of Molecular Dermatology at the Newcastle University Institute of Cellular Medicine.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:00:22 +0000

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