Alright, saying it again but with different words because Im - TopicsExpress


Alright, saying it again but with different words because Im seeing a lot of self deprecation on my news feed and this is something that I went through over the last couple of years. It may come off harsh so I apologize in advance. No one is attractive to everyone - not even Johnny Depp - despite his dreaminess. There is also, NO ONE that is unattractive to EVERYONE. Stop using your weight, height, acne, teeth, baldness as a scapegoat for your loneliness - everyone has flaws, if those should even be considered flaws. There is someone that will not only accept these physical traits but love you for them. Stop chasing the ones that wont. If there is an issue - maybe its time to look inward instead of what you look like. Also, having a romantic partner isnt everything in life - stop judging your self worth on whos in your bed. Trust me, I know rejection hurts and Im fairly vain but I find most of my comfort in what I offer as a person - if someone finds me attractive? Gravy. This was a public service announcement from a recovering self loather and criminal cry baby. I hope this helps others that might be feeling a little low. Carry on...
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 17:10:39 +0000

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