Alright so I said id post an actual dragoncon post yesterday but - TopicsExpress


Alright so I said id post an actual dragoncon post yesterday but when I came home I kind of died in my here it goes! Dragoncon this year was maybe my last for about two years but damn, it was 200x better (and bigger lol). Seeing my friends I havent been able to see in a long time was the best thing in the world as well as making some crazy awesome new friends with the mandalorian mercs. My roommates, Michael and Lindsay Wells, were quite the best ever even though I think every time I moved in my sleep I woke them up >.< IM SO SORRY I LOVE YOU GUYS lol. With them the quote of the con was ITS SORCERY! cause it almost always was. This was their first dragoncon so I hope they had a blast and go back next year even though I may not be able to. Day time shenanigans were the best with Kayhettin. Theres a reason I love hanging out with him even with all the faces I make at him lol. And as hell tell you, Im no longer his boo but his sister after this con. Plus Kays selfie game was spot on, as always. Party time was awesome as always and I like to thank Nick, Natasha, Sean, Jason, Endymion, and the mando mercs. Ive met some amazing people through them and though it wasnt like last years triforce shot nights, it was still greatness. I cant help but make two posts on the mercs and my clan. This one goes to my clan. Kyrimorut Clan had 5/6 of its members there which included Raymond, Jason, Jason, and David as well as myself. These guys with Gretchen being our honorary were and are amazing. A lot of clan representation went out with them, and surprising enough we never really planned some of it xD (all of us came to the merc dinner in our clan shirts..plete coincidence) Doing the parade, robin williams tribute, dinner, 501st mixer, epic star wars shoot, naast crawl, and the after party was all spectacular. Seriously guys, you are amazing and I cant wait to do more troops with you. Ill miss them greatly when I move to Guam. But these guys will always be my home clan, and they showed maryland proudly at dragoncon. Thank you fellas! Now to the mercs. These guys are super cool, and if you ever met the legions youd know theyre the party legion. John and I even created dances to show how the bigger 4 legions would act at a party, it pretty well described us as the crazy awesome guys xD Thursday I met Branden, our california merc. We could talk for hours I swear! Later on I met our UK merc John at the 501st mixer and after finding out he hadnt partied yet decided to take him out to the dcon awesomeness. Sadly that first night at the last party on alderaan ended with him getting a shard of glass through his shoe into his foot, but like the mercs we all grabbed him and took him safely to the atl emts who treated it. We all waited till he was okay and wouldnt leave him. He thought it was so strange, but thats the mercs for ya, were family. I met a good size group of Naast and Blue Moon clan the next day especially at the mercs party which was originally a room party that was too big, so we moved it to the 10th floor and after being apologized to that we didnt have sufficient sound for music, the marriott has our event there for next year...with music this time lol. Thank you Sam and his lady for making that happen next year. You guys are awesome and host a very amazing Dragoncon for the mercs! The next day I chilled with the mercs still there after we finished the last time of the table. Prudii, Travis, Branden, and Jamal were all great to hang out with as a few of us grabbed starbucks and danced to the guardians of the galaxy soundtrack and disney songs. After that we made a slight impromptu unofficial and official mercs dinner (so proud to have turned people into wanting to be mercs now!) at Hard Rock with my roommates, Kling, and Glen. Now I cant help but thank someone who was amazing at helping with a lot with mando photos. That would be Anne who took the time twice to shoot Fettski and I as well as Chris for some awesome star killer vs the mercs photos! Im definitely using one of her photos for my mercs card. She was so great to work with and just seeing some of the shots we did, I cant help but be excited to see them. Really though, Anne, youre amazing as always since we met at Katsu. Theres probably so much I missed, and even more so many names I forgot. Tagging the rest of you down below, and if you werent tag, know you all are awesome. Till next Dragoncon I can go to! Ive ended up completely loosing my voice by saturday Im going to go rest the next few days. Stay classy all of you.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 18:09:33 +0000

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