Alright, so the conservatives now have full control over congress. - TopicsExpress


Alright, so the conservatives now have full control over congress. The people have not just spoken, they have shouted. The message is more than clear that the Obama administration must be stopped. Harry Reid is gone. Obama has taken the stage once again and told these representatives of the people that he has no intention of changing his plans to destroy the country. He has dared them to do something. He has spoken like a mafia king pin and told them, either give me what I want, or I will do as I please, in essence telling the people, your votes dont matter. Your shout has been heard, and I dont care. So, what happens next? Will they close the borders? Will they repeal Obamacare? Will they deport the illegals? With they stop the Ebola flights? Will they prosecute Hillary for Benghazi? Will they prosecute Learner and the IRS? Will they shut down the NSA? Will they bring back Snowden and get him to testify? Will they prosecute Eric Holder for his crimes like Fast and Furious? Will they audit the federal reserve bank? Will they call off the war on the cattle ranchers? Will they Impeach Obama? The list of what needs to be done is endless. The last 6 years has seen more damage done to our constitutional rights than any other time in history. Well, I suspect they will do none of these things. Sure, theyll make some bogus changes to these laws as a token of appreciation to the voters, but nothing of any consequence will be done. No real government changing laws will be presented. No repeals of bad laws will be tried. No funding will be cut from these bad programs. Of course, we will have to wait and see, But I suspect that we will see nothing really happen unless the hard core conservatives and Tea party members call the rhinos out and tell the public what they need to hear. So, if it all fades into the past, and nothing is accomplished, (And I hope Im wrong) I do not want to hear any of you tell me I wasted my vote, and I will again encourage you to join me in two years to do the same.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 01:47:24 +0000

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