Alright, so this is an email I just sent tot he governor of - TopicsExpress


Alright, so this is an email I just sent tot he governor of California. If any one is wondering what it is Im referencing in Marin County, Heres the link: https://youtube/watch?v=f4uOnHS4Xr8 ________________________________ To: The Offices of Sir Edmund G. Brown Jr. I, as a citizen of this United States of America, have a rightful concern about the future generations. I worry about weather our children, and our childrens children, will be able to support this country to the fullest extent. Sir, with the latest movement in Marin County, this hope is starting to dwindle. The officials in Marin County have teamed up with Ben & Jerrys ice-cream in a bid to rid the county of violent videogames and toys. Bring in any games and toys you dont want your child to have, and in return get ice-cream. To those that put no thought in to it, that may sound like a fair trade. It is not. It seems the officials in Marin County have it in their heads that, somehow, violent videogames lead to violent behavior. Im not sure of your stance on education in this country, but Ive been raised smart enough to know that men with large, pointy hairstyle cant fly and blow up planets. If these children are REALLY being influenced enough by these obviously fake, unreal games, then theres something going on much bigger than the children being too susceptible to what theyre seeing on the screens. If these children even have the games in the first place, who is to blame? Surely its not the child, since any videogame retailer would be sent to jail for selling anything M rated to some one below the age of 17/18. It is the parents who are at fault. Parents dont seem to understand what theyre doing when they buy a child a videogame. Their son or daughter sees an amazing, action-packed commercial on TV for the game. They beg their parents to get it, and the parents do so without bothering the check the content. Its the negligence that is the issue, Mister Brown, not the games. If parents cant be bothered to check the material of what theyre buying for their children, then how is it the fault of the game or its creators that the child is being subjected to supposed violence? I would like to bring up another point. When was the last time you saw some one trying to recreate the events of SAW or Human Centipede, two notoriously graphic, violent, and gruesomely realistic horror films? What about a child trying to jump off a building because he believes he can fly like superman? Or a child trying to build an Arc Reactor because they want to be like Iron Man? Chances are, you havent. Want to know why? Because the children, on some level, know its not real. They have active imaginations, yes, but it doesnt go farther than that. Its imagination. Pretend. Not real. This same incredibly basic concept applies to Videogames. If a child believes something as ridiculous as a huge city in the sky filled with strange powers and crazy cultists, then theres much more at work than the evils of a violent videogame. Thank you for your time, Mister Brown. From; Concerned Floridian, Ashton Thornton
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 22:25:10 +0000

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