Alright, the wait is over. Here is chapter 7: We join our heroes - TopicsExpress


Alright, the wait is over. Here is chapter 7: We join our heroes as they come upon Vermillion City after almost a week of walking. Aspen: Wow. Its just as Dad said it was. Chris: You 3 have never been here before? Travis: No. Have you? Chris: It was my home. Its bitter sweet to be back here. Sam: Whats the matter Chris? Chris: Nothing for you to be concerned about. Lets keep moving. The 4 of them continue walking down the main road, until suddenly they see a big explosion off in the distance. Out of curiosity, they got towards it to find out what caused it. They find Lt. Surge fighting off some Team Rocket members. Chris: Still up and going Lieutenant? Lt.Surge: Im not planning on retiring anytime soon. I still got some led in my pen. Chris: Good to know. Need a hand? *looks at the 5 members* This will be so easy, I wont even break a sweat. Lt. Surge: There was a 6th one, but he went off in another direction. Chris: Well worry about him later. Lets battle. Now its 5 on 5. Grunt 1: Excellent. Well take your Pokemon too. Come on out Staryu! Grunt 2: You too Raticate. And you 3, deal with those kids. The 3 of them get out their Pokemon and square off with the young Ketchums. But with Chris, it was like he was frozen. Lt. Surge: Hey, young man. Focus! Chris: Staryu. Youre okay! Everyone is in shock except for Grunt 1. Grunt 1: Its mine now. Staryu, Hydro Pump! *fires and hits Chris square in the chest, landing him on the ground* Lt. Surge: Raichu, use Thunder! *the attack scores a direct hit on Staryu* Grunt 1: Quick, Recover! *it heals itself* Chris: Lieutenant, focus on Raticate. Staryu is mine. Come out Leafeon! *comes out* Lets get Staryu back. Use Leaf Blade! *comes at Staryu* Grunt 1: Use Psychic. *gets a hold on Leafeon* Now, throw it down! *throws it down with all its might* Leafeon gets back up, but can barely stand. Chris: Dont hold back. Give it all youve got. Dont let the fact that Staryu was once one of us hold you back. Use Swords Dance. *it does so, increasing its attack power* Now, use Quick Attack. *charges toward Staryu* Grunt 1: Wait for it. *Leafeon gets close enough* Use Pschic once more. *about to, but then* Chris: Go left, then use Rock Smash. *quickly goes left and use attack on Staryu* Now, Aerial Ace! Grunt 1: Dodge it quick! *but it was too late. the Aerial Ace scores a direct hit* Recover! *uses recover* Chris: Quick, while it cant move use Leaf Blade! *before Staryu could finish, Leaf Blade finds its mark and knocks out Staryu* Grunt 1: Return. Get them! *starts to runs off, but is stopped by a Flamethrower* Chris: I dont think so. Surround him, my Pokemon. *all 6 of Chris Pokemon circle the man* Give me back my Staryu and I will not harm you. Grunt 1: You dont have the guts boy. Chris: *walks toward the man angrily and punch him in the face* Hand it over! *kicks him in the stomach* Grunt 1: *gets out Staryus Pokeball and surrenders* You may have won this round, but its not over yet. The boss has give all of your Pokemon to us. Chris: You may have my army, but Im the one who trained them. I know how they work, I can stop them. Then officer Jenny comes. Officer Jenny: You TR men are all under arrest. Growlithe, confiscate all their Pokeballs. Then she escorts them into a Police van. Officer Jenny: Thank you for giving me time to get here and catch them. Chris: Dont thank us yet. Theres still 1 more out there and we gotta stop him. But first, lets go to the Pokemon center. After 5 minutes, they reach the center. Chris: Nurse Joy, could you take care of some of our Pokemon? Nurse Joy: Of course. It shouldnt take long. 30 minutes later Nurse Joy: Here you are. Theyre fresh and ready to go. Chris: Thank you. Now excuse me you guys. Im gonna send Gyarados to Prof. Oak. Chris calls Gary Oak and sends Gyarados over to him. Chris: Thank you. Gary: Youre welcome, and good luck. Chris: Staryu, come on out old friend! *Staryu comes out, then is face to face with Chris* Its great to see you again. Are you alright? Staryu nods and jumps up into Chris arms. Chris: Will you help me bring down Team Rocket? *Staryu nods again, with that a smile appears on Chris face* This concludes chapter 7. Chapter 8 is next time.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 06:55:47 +0000

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