Alright yall, its almost a new month. If you want this month to - TopicsExpress


Alright yall, its almost a new month. If you want this month to work for you, outside of putting together a strong budget (using Course 2 in my book) one of the smartest things you can do is to de-clutter. I MEAN SELL EV-A-RY-THANG. Ok well not everything, but make a list of atleast 5 items that you can sell on Craigslist. You might think no one wants them but I promise you someone does. Just clean em up and shine em up so they are ready to post. If you post them on a Friday, you have the whole weekend to get the best buyers - those who JUST got paid. (believe it or not, black people dont really buy from Craigslist. If I have to explain more on this for you its too late) Below are a few simple tips to squeeze cash out of your forgotten items laying around the house. This is actually much simpler than most of you think and is a GREAT way to tap income for catching up on late payments, build an emergency fund or even start an investment account if you are on step 5 of our 6 Steps to Zero Debt. 1. BE HONEST. People always find out the truth. Dont make false promises to get a buyer to your house and hope they ignore the discrepancies. And dont try to sell obviously faulty items. 2. Prep your items- clean them and make them as presentable as possible. Dont try and sell an old dirty piece of #%^$. Youll also either make more or have an easier sale if your item is presentable. 3. Pictures, pictures pictures! Try and take 4 quality pictures from 4 important sides of the item you are selling. ESPECIALLY if you lack in the description writing dept. You know what they say...A picture is... 4. Research a fair selling price. Use other craigslist posts, ebay posts and google to search for similar items to the one you are trying to sell so that you can find a fair price to charge. If I cant find it on craigslist, I normally look to see what the average price of the same or close to the same item is on ebay. If you cant find it on craigslist OR ebay then google what the price of that item is selling for brand new and apply a general 60% or 70% street value discount to it. 5. Be detailed in writing your ad description but not long winded. Try and get straight to the point without skipping the important details. 6. Dont entertain email responses with red flags. Red flags include: Emails that are more than 2 or 3 sentences. Emails asking you to transfer this, ship that or wire this (remember this site is for local selling. Ebay is for shipping.) Emails offering you to trade something or pay you in another method besides cash. 7. Agree on the sale price BEFORE they get to your house and then stand firm once they arrive.(this is why your ad needs to follow rule #1!)
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:27:25 +0000

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