Alright you can read all this or ignore it, its up to you........ - TopicsExpress


Alright you can read all this or ignore it, its up to you........ Tonight Brigette said something tonight that really got me thinking, she said No ones life experiences or paths or circumstances or hurt or situations are ever going to be the same as some elses. And she is right. We can share and grow in those things because they can be very similar but they are not exact. And there is a very special reason for that. That reason is part of why LaDawn and I started this group. That reason is something every single person should know and cherish. But I feel as though I have not made that reason clear or have strayed from it. So here it is. That reason, is that God designed you in a very specific way because there is a purpose and there are things God has planned for you that NO ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD can do. Take a minute and think about that. No one ever could fulfill the plans God has for you except YOU. You alone are the only one who could ever accomplish that. Not Steve Jobs, not Bill Gates, not David Beckham, not the Queen of England, not Jennifer Lawrence, not Emma Watson, not any of the Disciples in the Bible, not Mary the mother of Jesus, not even flipping Mother Teresa could do what God has planned for you. That makes you the most unique, special, beautiful, smart, and amazing person to ever walk this earth. There can NEVER be a better you. Thats not saying your actions and behavior cannot be improved but YOU as person, this special wonderful person that God made specifically for whatever His plans are for you, are PERFECT in every aspect. God does not make mistakes, he is never wrong and He never does anything by accident. I want you to know your life is more important and special than anything you could ever imagine. God, the dude who made Heaven and Earth and EVERYTHING in it, picked you. He made you. Because He has such amazing things planned for you. I dont know, maybe I am poophead for thinking this but not even the coolest, smartest, richest, most fun and beautiful person who will ever walk this Earth, can do what God has planned for me.....That makes me feel SO.GOOD. That not even the people I admire most, who are better at the things I wish I was the best at, who are smarter and more clever than I am, NONE of them can do what God put me here to do. And I dont even know what that is, and yet Im totally stoked about it! I dont know what my purpose here is, and yet I feel like the coolest person alive because I am the only one capable of doing it. In todays world with so many people doing so many amazing things its hard to think that this all powerful, all knowing God who can do anything would take the time to make me exactly the way I am. When I look in the mirror or at my life and actions, I think of so many ways that I could be better or improve. Like if I were God I would put together a superstar team to make my world perfect and I would spend all my time and energy on those people. And me as a person would totally not be making the cut. Lets face it there are far more important people out there right? Actually no. Because none of those people can do what I was made to do. Or what you were made to do. You are so special and loved. Youre life is so valuable and means so much that God took His time to make you exactly the way you are. Dont ever let anyone including yourself tell you that you are not worth it, or good enough because you are. Because of society we see all these imperfections in ourselves but who are you going to believe.....some group of people who decided what perfect and cool is or God who actually is perfect and can do no wrong and tell no lies.....? I dont want you to listen to me about this or take my word for it. I want you to go look in the Bible and pray and find out for yourselves. This is an experience I want you to go and do. Actually experience it. Find out what its all about for yourself. Or dont. Its up to you. Just know that you are better at living your life than anyone ever could be. Thanks for reading. -K
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 06:41:41 +0000

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