Alrighty FB fam.….my turn!! LOL! and yes, its a sermon - TopicsExpress


Alrighty FB fam.….my turn!! LOL! and yes, its a sermon (lmbo!)…..but on a serious note, here is my take on everything that’s been transpiring lately: In the Church, the Body of Christ, amongst us Christians or however you want to classify it…there is (or at least should be) ONLY ONE enemy…and that enemy is Satan. We as the “church” in general have lost focus of that due to some who have changed dispositions towards God, His Word, His standards and each another.…we have allowed the pettiness of personality differences, seeds of discord sown to one about another, character assassination attempts, envy, disagreements, lack of forgiveness, social media blasting (both indirectly and directly) and so much more to make us view each other as enemies instead of us standing together as saints in a unified position of prayer and warfare to fight this Devil!…..the kingdom of darkness has unified in a way like never before to accomplish Satan’s agenda in the Earth which is to exterminate the effectiveness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Satan knows if he can stop that, lost souls would stay lost and even some who may be in Christ would get discouraged and turn away. The Scripture “the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy” is clearly being seen. It is way bigger than the attacks in our personal lives.…it’s an all-out slaughter attempt against Christ’s Church and those of us who live to represent HIM!….Satan wants to: 1. Kill our witness (thru loose living, folly, no conviction, no discretion, no repentance, rebellion to the truth of the Word (inclusive doctrines and heresies), visual and vocal disrespect towards leadership, dissensions, etc) 2. Steal our zeal and desire to live Godly according to the Word which would ultimately 3. Kill our effectiveness as the Church to represent God in a way that would draw many to Him. But at the end of day, the devil’s plan will not work! Yes, we are in a season of shaking for real….but once it’s over, the Strength and Truth of the Church will continue to rise and many will be drawn to Christ as a result of the Church surviving the shaking (and we WILL survive!)….the enemy’s agenda looks as if it’s going to silence God’s plan but at the end of the day, it will promote God’s plan! Now it may get worse before it gets better but when it’s all said and done, God is not going to sit back and allow His Church to fail…HE is not weak! HIS Church is not weak! Christ and His Church will stand triumphant! Alrighty FB fam…that’s my two cents on the whole matter. Be encouraged in the Lord!!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 05:26:18 +0000

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