Alrighty FB friends, I want to share with you something that I - TopicsExpress


Alrighty FB friends, I want to share with you something that I struggle with, and have struggled with on and off for the last 15 years. FOOD. And because I love food, my weight is up...and up...and up. Oh, there are many explanations I could share here, but there are no excuses. The fact is when I am happy, sad, mad, angry or stressed, I have run to food. FOOD has been my comfort and my reward. Honestly, it has become an idol in my life. I have tried to combat it before many times, but those times have been from a I-want-to-lose-this-weight-so-I-look-better perspective....and each of those times has failed. I did not realize or I did not want to admit that I was running to FOOD instead of to God. But that is exactly what I have been doing. So, here we are, Nov. 10, 2014, and I am on day 4 of a detox program. No sugar (except for that in some low glycemic fruits), no caffeine, no processed or fast foods, no artificial sweeteners, no dairy and no gluten....I am doing this with a group of women from my church, so we meet weekly for the next 12 weeks. I was not sure I could do this...I was scared. But, here it is day 4, and I have not cheated once, and better, I have not felt tempted to. For those that know me in person, you know 4 days without any of those things is quite a big change for me. I actually feel pretty good. No huge caffeine withdraw headaches, and I do not feel hungry. I share all this for a couple of reasons. First for some additional accountability and also to share that my life is not perfect, and I do not have everything together :) I struggle with things...FOOD is one of them. It feels good to lay that idol down at the cross and repent from putting food ahead of God, and ahead of my family often times. I say Ive put it ahead of my family because I am not the wife or mom I want to be because of this extra weight. I have not been treating my body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, and much of what I have enjoyed eating has not been to the glory of God that is for sure. How can fast food be consistently eaten to the glory of God? Or how could my coffee addiction have been for the glory of could all the extra weight I am carrying around be to the glory of God? So, heres to a new beginning. Heres to laying it down at the feet of the One who can conquer this in my life. :) Im not going to post a ton about this journey, but I will post about it occasionally :) I would love your prayers for sure. And if you are local here in Columbus and are struggling with FOOD message me. Id love to invite you to come to this group with me :) Love you all
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 19:51:10 +0000

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