Alrighty! Right time, mdarlings. This one involves religious stuff - TopicsExpress


Alrighty! Right time, mdarlings. This one involves religious stuff and all that. So read at your own risk. I am sick and tired of the religious back-and-forth bullshit that is being spewed on a regular basis. Christians hating, atheists hating, muslims hating; hate, hate, hate, whine, whine whine, bicker, bicker, bicker. Let me get something straight. 1. Not all Christians are closed-minded prudes who try to convert all the hethens as a lifetime commitment. 2. Not all Atheists are bitter, cynical pricks who will talk down to everyone who believes in anything not proven by scientific experimentation. 3. Holy crap; NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS. This seems like a basic thought to me. Just because there are a few assholes does NOT mean that everyone sharing a trait with them is just the same as they are. In the same way that not all Germans are Nazis, not all black people like watermelon, and not all white girls like pumpkin spice, etc. Many Christians are strongly rooted in their beliefs, but if its not hurting anyone, why do you care? If they are respectful towards you, the least you can do is treat them with the same respect as a human being. The definition of Atheist is the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In no way does it state that they are hateful, cynical, intentionally offensive bullies who try to strip people of their beliefs. Most of them simply have their own thoughts on the matter. They dont offend, and they dont feel the need to pipe up as soon as someone says, God bless you after a sneeze, to give you a long speech about how wrong you are. And guys. Guys. Do you realize that the original Muslim faith is PEACEFUL? It doesnt involve killing non-believers, it doesnt include beheading, and all that bullshit. The only reason its happening is because the religion is being twisted and manipulated by hateful, power-hungry, twisted and manipulative people. Just because one group is the loudest does not mean they are the majority. Its the quiet ones you should listen to. Anyone can scream and shout until you are forced to hear what they say, but when someone whispers, they only way you can hear them is if the loud-mouth gets off the soapbox and zips their howling screamers. Rather than the ones who jump on people for a badly-worded statement, open your ears to the ones who tap on their shoulder and logically open a CONVERSATION. Not an argument. Look at the ongoing subject if feminism. I am a feminist. However, the moment I say I am, I am immediately judged. Peoples demeanour and respect for me changes almost instantaneously. They expect me to get offended over EVERYTHING, to have absolutely no sense of humour, etc. While yes, there are certain lines I draw that dip into unwarranted disrespect, I do not fight for female superiority. I fight for equality. Thats what feminism is SUPPOSED to be. Gender equality is only a start. I believe in changing it one person at a time by arguing respectfully and intelligently rather than throwing outdated statistics and guilt trips on any man who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not all feminists are feminazis. This can correlate to the ongoing religious problems. ISIS has nothing to do with religion. They are a league of glorified and unfortunately well-funded 7 year-olds who want a fight. If it werent religion, they would find something else. So judge the PERSON based on their actions, not their skin or religious beliefs. If they openly threaten you, do as you please. Dont get me wrong, I do believe that if I were to meet a member of ISIS on my streets, I would see to it that they disappeared. There is no doubt of ISIS intentions and I refuse to let another person (albeit a hero) die on my soil when I could have done something. But I will judge on actions and threats. It is time to stand up and show that the northern lands have a VERY cold side. Just because were Canadian does not mean we are weak. We stand for the protection of those who have done nothing wrong, and we should openly welcome other cultures and religions ON THE CONDITION that we do not lose our own culture in the process. They can practice any and all religious and cultural standards as they please as long as no one is harmed in the process. We can openly say Merry Christmas without being slammed for offending people. They do not have to become the white standard, but they need to follow the same rules we do. That is all I am asking. To co-exist. If you do not like our rules, I humbly and respectfully ask you to go elsewhere. Find a place that better suits your needs and standards. I would not move to another country expecting them to learn my language and tip-toe around things to avoid offending me. I expect the same in return. Message to all ISIS members, wherever you are lurking about. If it is a fight you demand, I have one warning; this is a fight you cannot win. You can kill off as many of us as you please. You can spill as much blood as you can muster, but we will not bow, bend, break or live in fear of your influence. You jade the views of many and hurt the very causes you claim to fight for (which really just comes across as whining). You are making your own version of the religion look bad and you will not gain respect or authority like this. Youve pissed off the US, and youve pissed off Russia (you clearly dont know how to pick fights), but piss of Canada and it will be the Kanucks you will have reason to fear. We dont puff out our chests and yell, scream and shout; we get the job done and head home. So dont give us a job to do. I guarantee you will not like the outcome. ~Dannie
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:29:50 +0000

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