Alrighty, it has been a while since we have posted in here. Just - TopicsExpress


Alrighty, it has been a while since we have posted in here. Just wanted to give some updates. Sawyer is doing well. He is still small for his age, but still growing on his own curve....which is good. Today he measured 22 in and 11 . 4 lbs and we were excited to see him grow finally ;) He still doesnt eat much, which we are trying different things to help this, one is adding a supplement to his bottles, using stiffer nipples on the bottles, and the next resort will be clipping his tongue tie. As far as his kidneys go, his kidney function is getting better. It still looks like his right kidney is shot, we will have a test done on Dec 3 to see this for sure. If it is actually still performing, then Sawyer will go through another surgery to attempt to reduce the reflux to his kidneys to try and preserve both of them, rather than just trying to save the left kidney.Jamie and I still cath him every 4 hours to help reduce the reflux and fully empty his bladder. Developmentally, Sawyer is doing great. He absolutely loves happy people and will not hesitate to share a smile or laugh. He has also ventured into talking, rolling over, sitting up, and standing with assistance. He also loves to fake cough, in hopes you will do the same back :). Jamie Dawes and I both love our son very much and appreciate all he support we have received from our family and friends.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 21:28:18 +0000

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