Alrighty, now im part of the nifty numbers deal. I got given the - TopicsExpress


Alrighty, now im part of the nifty numbers deal. I got given the number 9 so heres my 9. 1. I seriously cant stand feet. Not my own, and not anyone elses. I especially hate when people scratch their feet... just ew. 2. I cant sleep unless I am completely covered up and unless rub my foot back and forth on my mattress. Just so i can be covered up, I even go as far as turning my heater off just so its cold enough to use my blanket. 3. Not really uncommon knowledge, but i seriously have a reverse racist love for japan. honestly i dont think its normal at all. But I have several friends from Japan now. Im closer with some of them than I am with anyone here (except coty). 4. I have a complex issue with organization. I hate to clean, but if I sit in one spot and start micro-organizing Ill spend hours on the task. I lived with a woman who owns, probably, close to 2000 DVDs/CDs. She had them piled in the floor in about a 2x2 ft square 3 ft tall in certain stacks. I spent a week sorting cds from dvds, alphabetizing titles etc. This is a problem at work and my coworkers think I work slowly because of this. 5. I have seriously strong maternal instinct and wouldnt mind raising kids. I just dont want to physically have any. Its almost a phobia except that I can completely rationalize my fear. But the level of fear, itself, is completely unnatural. 6. Im pretty sure Im socially bipolar. Im horribly anxious when thinking about any future social engagements. Like work or if I am invited to go out. I can get so nervous over simply sitting and hanging out that i get physically sick. But once Im at work, or dragged into a social situation it feels like a switch flip in my brain and Im a social butterlfy, and polite, and (in the case of work) i might not recognize people I should know. Its like Im a totally different person lol. 7. I probably dehydrate from just crying. When I watch sad movies I cry a LOT, and I cry when a video game is sad (Final Fantasy X) or when a book gets sad (Cried 3 times reading The Host) and if I get really mad, stressed, sad, or happy I cry too. Ive also cried from being really bored/lonely. If I see a dead animal on the ground while walking I cry then too o.o .... yup. 8. I actually dont mind my job at town and country. I just dont like about 80% of the people who shop there/work there. I have my favorites and thats what keeps me going. My favorites can probably work out who they are all on their own since they are the people with which i still laugh and converse. 9. I plan on learning Spanish, japanese, Chinese, and sign language. Japanese is the only language Im learning that isnt commonly used in Dexter. I think this woman passed away, but my first year at town and country an old woman came in with her husband. She was born Japanese and moved here during wwII to be with her husband. She hadnt heard Japanese in 26 years until me. A deaf woman who comes in with her family comes in and when I signed Thank you to her after her purchase, she just lit up lol. I want to have that effect on everyone. Its seriously an awesome feeling to see people happy just because you spoke to them.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 20:02:50 +0000

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