Als Engel geboren in de energie van Aartsengel Michael en het WERK - TopicsExpress


Als Engel geboren in de energie van Aartsengel Michael en het WERK dat ik de afgelopen jaren met hem gedaan eb en NOG doe, ben ik BLIJ met deze BEVESTIGING. That is why we are “pulling out all the stops,” you might say, in order to assist those of you who are the vanguard, those who are opening the way and creating the path for others to follow. The process must be clear; it must be simple and not complicated as the ancient wisdom teachings were, for in the past, the ascension process was designed for the select few. Those of you who are the teachers and the Wayshowers have had or are experiencing all the emotions, fears and setbacks that will confront humanity at large. Many of you have made a great sacrifice and agreed to pass or experience many tests that were not of your own making (but an accumulation of the memory/energy patterns of other parts of your vaster Being). In other words, many of you came with energies composed of many different facets or expressions, which you did not directly experience as a soul, but which you agreed to have placed in your energy (auric) fields and your DNA so that you would have to balance and overcome these imperfections. So, beloved ones, do not judge a beautiful, awakened soul who seems to have had much more than their share of adversity. Honor them; emulate them, for they are smoothing the way for you. In 2011 heb ik vel met Michael gereisd en een van mijn functies is het VASTHOUDEN VAN DE GOUDEN FREQUENTIE (een heeeele groooote Gouden Sleutel) aan de Peelhof in Helmond. Hoge Bomen vangen VEEL WIND. Fysiek of moet ik zeggen VIES ZIEK TRANSMUTEER ik jaren bergen LAGE DICHTE ENERGIEEN van de mensen die komen mediteren en voor het collectief. De LAST wordt door de mensen NIET GEZIEN, hoeft ook NIET, WEL het FEIT dat zij DOORDAT zij zelf HUN WERKEN NIET UITVOEREN, hun BROEDERS OP BLIJVEN ZADELEN....met de SHIT. En SHIT schept geen SHIFT. WAT wordt er GEVRAAGD van de ONTWAAKTEN die in de Bron zijn geweest? More and more of you are becoming aware of your life mission and how important it is. Do not fear to boldly step out, dear ones. Because you are assisting in the healing and resolution of the negative frequency patterns of your ancestral lineage. As you move upward on the Path of Light, you will also have available to you the wisdom and wealth of positive experiences from all the many lives of your soul companions. This is the wonder of unity consciousness. Have you not noticed how many teachers and messengers are bringing forth almost identical information, for they are experiencing the same emotional ups and downs, as well as receiving the same thought impulses? Many of you have gone to gatherings where you felt a deep sense of coming home, of being reconnected with long-lost family or friends. Just as many of you no longer feel in harmony with your physical family, nor seem to have anything in common with friends of long standing. Do not judge; become the observer-allow your Higher Self to supply you with the wisdom you need to move through or overcome any situation or obstacle. GEWOON ELKE DAG MEDITEREN, de LIJN IS OPEN, schrijf je meditaties op, DEEL ZE met GELIJKGESTEMDEN, MAAK GROEPEN, ga ZELF AAN HET WERK, volg de AANWIJZINGEN van je Hoger Zelf. Liefs
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 20:33:10 +0000

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