Also, I heard the voice of The Lord, saying: Whom shall I send, - TopicsExpress


Also, I heard the voice of The Lord, saying: Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then I said Here am I! Send me. Isaiah 6:8 Father, I pray that as we prepare for Kenya that we will be listening for your voice. Help us Lord to understand what it is that you would have us do. Create in us a pure heart and bind us together in unity as one body of believers in Christ. Then as your works begin, help each of us to step forward and say, Here am I, send me. Thank you Jesus for being our Jehovahjireh. In the name of Jesus I pray that you bless this team. Bless their families, bless their finances, bless their marriages, bless their work, bless their health. God open doors only you can open and shut every door that we have no business going through. Open our eyes so that we might see and our hearts so that we believe. I pray that you go before each team member and that you allow your angels to protect us from the very pits of hell. Bind the enemy Father from our lives and we proclaim victory over satan himself in the mighty name of Jesus! Remove all doubt and disbelief from our lives and equip us Lord to trust in your supernatural powers. Heal the sick, cause the lame to walk, the deaf to hear and the blind to see and let us praise You for all the miracles that you are going to do! I ask all of these things praying believing on the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, Amen, Amen and Amen! Are you ready team? Its time to get your Jesus on.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 00:50:23 +0000

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