Although I am extremely bias, I still do find it funny when people - TopicsExpress


Although I am extremely bias, I still do find it funny when people turn there nose up at multi level and say things like multi level is bad or that it is pyramid selling Multi level means every level gets the opportunity to expand, but at your job that you are conditioned to see as fair and good it is generally a one level system, where the person up top gets to leverage of potentially thousands of employees and no one else does. Franchising is another one level system where only the owner gets to fully expand. So do these people actually prefer a one level system where only the one person gets all of the leverage and glory? Or did they just not think out their negative perceptions? Yes I understand the industry has some what I call network marketing pests but what industry doesnt? Multi level the system itself is genius And people are starting to wake up to this reality, they are realising their one level job probably wont give them the life they desire. And the great thing is traditional companies are beginning to adjust by either transferring to a multi level marketing system as the method of distribution OR offering there staff multiple levels of pay and the ability to expand, manage teams to be paid more and grow with the company. Any form of multiple levels of opportunity I see as a great step forward! Network marketing and multi level systems is not only fair, but it is the future! And there is a fair list of people who tend to agree and are helping make these positive changes Paul Zane Pilzer – Nine-time Best Selling Author and Economical Forecaster - When talking about the network marketing industry turning over more than $100 billion per year “As impressive as that is, it’s not hard to see the real growth has barely begun.” Donald Trump - Billionaire Businessman and TV Celebrity “Direct sales is actually one of the oldest, most respected business models in the world and has stood the test of time.” Robert Kiyosaki - Best Selling Wealth Author of all time “Network marketing is the business of the 21st century. It gives people the opportunity, with very low risk and low financial commitment to build their own income - generating assets and acquiring great wealth.” Warren Buffett - World’s Richest Man in 2008, Investor and Author “It was the best investment I ever made.” Darren Hardy - Owner and Publisher of Success Magazine “The future of employment is self-employment. Direct selling is one of the few business opportunities that offers average people, with above average ambitions to achieve an above average lifestyle, peace of mind and financial security.” Jim Rohn – World-Renowned Philosopher and Author “Network marketing is the big wave of the future; it’s taking the place of franchising which now requires too much capital for the average person.” Les Brown - Motivational Speaker “Network marketing has probably produced more millionaires than any other industry in the history of the world.” Brian Tracy - Best Selling Author “The future of network marketing is unlimited, there is no end in site, it will continue to grow, because better people are getting into it, it will become one of the most respected business methods in the world.” Bill Clinton - Former US President “You strengthen our country and our economy by not only striving for your own success, but offering opportunity to others.” Tony Blair - Former British Prime Minister “Network marketing is a tremendous contribution to the overall prosperity of the economy.” Harv Eker - Best Selling Author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind “If it resonates with you, network marketing can be a dynamite vehicle for wealth. It will only work if you do. But if you do, incomes in range of 20k-50k per month are not uncommon, you will never get rich working on a straight salary for someone else.” Stephen Covey – Best Selling Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People “Network marketing has come of age, it is undeniable that it has become a way to entrepreneurship and independence for millions of people.” Randy Gage - Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author of Risky is the New Safe “Now, we are about to enter a golden era of network marketing, in the next few years alone tens of millions of distributors will join the profession.” David Bach - New York Times Best Seller and Entrepreneur “You dont need to create a business plan or create a product. You only need to find a reputable company, one that you trust, that offers a product or service you believe in and are passionate about.” “When I read in Fortune Magazine that Warren Buffett was investing in network marking, I decided I was missing something.” Tom Peters - Legendary Management Expert and Author “...the first truly revolutionary shift in marketing since the advent of modern marketing at P&G and the Harvard business school 50-75 years ago.” Zig Ziglar - World Famous Best Selling Author and Speaker “A home based business offers enormous benefits, including elimination of travel, time savings, expense reduction, freedom of schedule, and the opportunity to make your family your priority as you set your goals.” Jim Collins – All Time Best Selling Business Author “This network marketing business offers the most systematic way for ordinary individuals to achieve economic success.” Seth Godin - Best Selling Author specialising in Marketing “What works is delivering personal, relevant messages to people who care about something remarkable. Direct Sellers are in the best position to do this.” Ray Chambers - Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Humanitarian and owner of Princess House “The direct selling business model is one that can level the playing field and close the gap between the haves and have nots.” Randy Gage Stated in his latest book Risky is the New Safe, “It is conceivable that 40 to 50 million new people will become network marketing distributors in the period from 2013 to 2017”. Fortune Magazine – “The best kept secret in business.”
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 00:10:58 +0000

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