Although I am grateful everyday and abundantly blessed, I love the - TopicsExpress


Although I am grateful everyday and abundantly blessed, I love the tradition of sharing thanksgiving publicly during the month of November. November 13th: I already said it but I cant help but to say it again because tomorrow is her 23rd month of life...I am brilliantly blessed and SO thankful for the precious gift of my oldest daughter Stephanie! She is amazing in a million ways and I am humbled, and in awe of the privilege I have to be her mother. I love her beyond measure. November 12th: Ive been thinking about how grateful I am for my PhD experience at Clemson. I met the most wonderful friends and our time together at Clemson was full of unique memories that I treasure! I was blessed to be able to have such an opportunity to learn and in doing so to meet people I both admire and enjoy! Vivian Correa, my chair, Sandy Linder, and Julie. November 11th: I am SOOOO thankful for my mom, my girls grandma. When I decided to be a foster parent and when I decided to adopt, I didnt realize how it would impact and require sacrifice from my family. My mom has done more than I could have asked or imagined and LOVES my daughters with her whole heart. I love that they have a grandmother that I am so proud of and that she brings such JOY into their hearts and enriches our lives. November 10th: Thinking today of how thankful I am for my cousins kids. They are so and adorable! I am grateful beyond words for Iris, Violet, Chase, and Ardyn! November 9th: Grateful for my beautiful cousin Valerie! She is AMAZING! She is always here with me for special times, she has the most wonderful daughters, and I love her with my whole heart! Tomorrow is her birthday - happy birthday Valerie!!!! November 8th: Today I want to share my thankfulness for safe transportation. I am very thankful for the freedom my car provides! November 7th: Today I am thankful for colleagues at work. It is so nice to be home again with LoveBug, LadyBug, and Rudy but I want to share my gratefulness for my hard working colleagues who are making a difference in the world of education...and who got us all back safely to Phoenix after a long week. I am also ever so thankful for my new unit and role at ADE which is an exciting opportunity for me to grow and learn and contribute and work with colleagues who are positive, helpful, collaborative, and generous! November 6th: I am ever so grateful for the gift of joy my dog Rudy brings to my life. He is adorable, snuggly, loving, and I love having a dog! Rudy is so special! November 5th: I am thankful that there are so many educators trying passionately to make a difference for students. I love being a professional educator so much and am humbled by the privilege and responsibility. On a day of disappointment in the decisions of non-educators, I remain blessed to be in the company of great heroes and heroines...educators. November 4th: My heart is full of thanksgiving for my nephews, William and Andrew. They are the cutest, happiest, smartest, and best boys I know. I am so proud to be their aunt and LOVE spending time with them...wish it was more often because I miss them! November 3rd: I am so grateful for the gift of my brother, who was my partner for Saturday morning cartoons and stuffed animal games and who is now a man, husband, and father I am SO proud of! November 2nd: I want to declare my thanks for my parents who are the most amazing people I could ever imagine. November 1st: So on this, the first day of November, I shout thank you out to heaven for the incredible gift of my daughters. Being a mother is more than I ever imagined and my daughters are more than I ever could have hoped or dreamed for. Our story of love and family is a miracle straight from the Lord. I am humbly grateful. THANK YOU!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 04:56:21 +0000

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