Although I am in recovery, my OCD, addictive mind still likes to - TopicsExpress


Although I am in recovery, my OCD, addictive mind still likes to manifest itself in other aspects- Christina and I stopped by a place called Fleet Feet after Bunskis dental appointment, to look into getting her some running shoes.You go in and they measure your feet, then they watch you run on a treadmill with a camera and, basically, do a diagnostic on your feet. After they have gathered all of this information, they help you pick out the ideal running shoe and inserts, if needed. Now, I love lifting weights with a passion, but I have never been too keen on cardio. Even in high school, I could run sprints all day, but long distance was for the birds. But now that Ive seen this process, Ive become obsessed with the thought of, Maybe if I did have the proper shoes and being cigarette free almost two years, maybe I could get into this.. Kind of sounds like it is right up my alley as far as pushing the limits of what I can and cannot do anymore. Motivation? A passion for healthier living, not limiting myself and eliminating the thought of failure. You never fail, you just go test the limits, then try and expand on that last benchmark. I think my mind was made up a long time ago.... OCD hobbies- Bowling- 4 bowling balls, I can roll over 200 on a regular basis now. Beadwork- Self taught peyote stitch and learning to make medallions. Skateboarding-Lifelong passion, dropped in the bowl at Pawhuska skate park at 38. Finance-learned to pay bills and love not being denied for credit now. Vapor-Kept me cigarette free almost two years. I now build, test and customize my own coils (RDAs). No, vapor will not hinder me. Two years cigarette free= I can taste food, super human sense of smell and I can work out for hours without getting winded. POWER LIFTING- My first trip to the gym two and a half years ago, I couldnt bench 205. Today, I am trying to bench 405 by the end of the year and 315 is starting weight. Disc Golf- Just a fun sport, that gets you out in the woods and enjoying life. Thats what it is all about, enjoying life. Find what makes you happy and jump into that with all of your heart.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 04:17:05 +0000

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