Although I am posting this towards the end of the day due to a - TopicsExpress


Although I am posting this towards the end of the day due to a hectic schedule, Martin Luther King day has become my favorite holiday. Heres why! Mainly, I love scrolling through Facebook and reading his quotes. One of my go to quotes by Dr. King has always been A man without a cause worth dying for is already dead. MLK day has nothing to do with commercialism. And it is not a holiday honoring a bunch of privileged men who were part of a secret society and assisted in the development of a new business enterprise owned and still operated by the Bank of England. No, to me MLK day recognizes a genius who firstly had the courage to recognize and not blindly accept the conditions he was born into nor the laws placed around him. Sometimes what is right is not the same as what is lawful. It takes intelligence and courage to distinguish between the two. Especially when the majority just blindly accepts what they are told to do because they do not want to bring discomfort to themselves. This same mindless majority will also lash out against anyone forcing them to question their reality. Not only did Dr. King face harsh criticism and physical harm to his person, he eventually gave his life for the betterment of his fellow man. Dr. King spoke about injustice not only to blacks but against all people especially those from lower social economic classes. As a matter of fact, he spoke against the class system and passionately believed we are all created equal. He did this even though many of the oppressed whites he spoke on behalf of did not even want him to drink from the same water fountain. One of my favorite qualities of Dr. King was his willingness to speak truth to power. The power of his words was a threat to the establishment who rule over us by dividing us. Dr. King was a brilliant and courageous man whose skin just happened to be black. He understood that just because white people were privileged did not mean they were free. In his I have a dream speech he recognized that white freedom is tied into black freedom and that we all need to stand together to be FREE. I couldnt agree more!!!! The evils of tyranny are seldom seen but be he who resist it. Well, Dr. King not only resisted tyranny he united people as one to stomp on it. I am convinced this is why the establishment took him out. He was empowering us all. Why are there so few Dr. Martin Luther Kings in our world? Dr. King yearned for a day when people were judged by their character and not the color of their skin. Imagine what a great world that would be. May his spirit live forever!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 05:53:39 +0000

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