Although I have had MANY Blessings this week and SO very much - TopicsExpress


Although I have had MANY Blessings this week and SO very much enjoyed spending time today with Family and watching my Niece and Nephews Program at Church and am always thankful for another day with my Son and thankful for another day, Well it has been a LONG and rough week (and the traveling Thursday took its extra toll as well) and I pushed myself way too much yesterday to make up for the set back Friday from not having water for 8-9 hours, I am paying the price dearly today ( :( fighting back tears and anyone who knows me KNOWS I DO NOT cry it takes a lot for those to fall) and on top of it all, I am sick now too. It is crazy I used to work 90+ hours a week College, Medical job by day, weekend job at 7-11 and worked on Cars and Boats at night(etc) and raised/raising Max on my own as a single parent and just was always go go go running on 1-2 hours of sleep and now it takes every bit of my perseverance to keep me pushing forward with all this constant 24/7 relentless debilitating pain and health issues, like a domino affect since my injury, I pay the price horrible and I HATE how it has affected(to some extent destroyed) my and my Sons life... it is like being trapped and suffocating inside a broken shattered shell of a body that on the outside to everyone else looks normal so, I hold my head high (as always) and put on my fake smile and that way no one thinks I am a complainer or a downer or pity seeker of which I am NONE of those, just some days the high threshold of tolerance I have reaches TOO high even for the STRONGEST Warrior and I need to vent or I will go insane literally.... I am done for today and off to bed praying for sleep of which I got none last night.. Not sure what I am going to do for Dinner Maybe Max can have left over Chili cause I am way too nauseous to even smell food let alone even be able to stand to cook. GOOD NIGHT Yaall and SWEET DREAMS, my prayers go out to anyone who needs them
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 23:07:42 +0000

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