Although I like all 57...this one hit me tonight... 57 REASONS - TopicsExpress


Although I like all 57...this one hit me tonight... 57 REASONS WHY WE KNOW THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD (One week at a time) Facebook/GodsAmazingBook 7. THE BIBLE PRESENTS THE ONLY PERFECT CHARACTER KNOWN TO HISTORY AND TO LITERATURE All the literature of the world, historical, biographical, dramatic, fictional, or any other kind, has not been able to- portray a perfect man—real or fictitious. But, gentlemen of the jury, the Bible contains that phenomenon too —the depiction of THE PERFECT CHARACTER, Christ Jesus. Here is One who is wiser than Solomon, more patient than Job, meeker than Moses, more courageous than David; here is One who never made a mistake in act or judgment, never apologized, never changed His opinions or teachings, never retracted a statement; here is One who was never late, was never in a hurry, never lost control of Himself in argument so that His voice was heard in the street; here is One who PRACTICED every teaching He ever gave, who could have had the highest place among men but took the lowest; here is One who had the tenderness of a mother, the love of a bride, the courage of a king, the sternness of a judge, the dignity of an autocrat; and marvel of marvels—ALL OF THE SO-CALLED OPPOSING VIRTUES BLENDED PERFECTLY IN HIM, He was not lopsided. The moral glory of Christ is a most fascinating subject: we could easily fill this booklet with a treatise on it. Now here is the argument: No man, or combination of men could ever invent such a Character. Rosseau states the case very well in these words, It is more inconceivable that a number of persons should agree to write such a history (the Gospels), than that One should be the author of it, for the inventor would be a more remarkable character than the Hero. In other words It would take a Jesus to forge a Jesus. Mr. Simon Greenleaf, the greatest authority in the world on Evidence, whose books on Evidence student lawyers study, has written a book on The Four Gospels. In this book he examines the Gospels minutely, and concludes they are absolutely authentic. He says in substance, The character of Jesus was either that of a person who actually lived, or the invention of the imaginations of the writers of the Gospels. If such a character was the product of four mens imaginations, then you have the most marvelous display of genius ever struck from the pen of men. For four men, unknown as authors before or after, achieve the portrayal of a character so perfect that it can claim to be Deity one moment and the next stoop to wash dirty feet, one day raise the dead, next day be hung on a gibbet, and these without loss of dignity. And in addition, these men attain such heights of literary genius that they portray this character without any description or explanation but simply by recounting His words and actions. Words so matchless in wisdom as to mark their author as having wisdom from God. There is but one conclusion to the matter. The Man, whom the Gospels present as Jesus, is the promised Christ—God manifest in the flesh.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 03:19:13 +0000

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