Although I will never be able to do as good a job as Jolie does - TopicsExpress


Although I will never be able to do as good a job as Jolie does with these updates, I will try to be brief about this evenings council meeting and provide a little information for those who were not able to be there. Jeffrey Daugherty did a wonderful job reading the letter to the council. We felt it was a good representation of our collective thoughts and even though there were specific points that were contested by council members and Jeffrey was put on the spot, it still was a very good effort to convey the frustration that a lot of citizens have with the conduct of some of the members of Council. I can extend my personal appreciation that Jeff handled it with respect and consideration even if he was not treated respectfully in return. Jolies mention of one of Mr. Molnars family saying to her that we know where you live is factual and several of us did hear it. Additionally, and I may be speaking out of turn as it is Jolies business, Mrs. Molnar made a specific point to say to her that their family was hiring an attorney. This sort of threatening speech and their general behavior is, in my mind and my own opinion, small-minded and ridiculous. But as someone who has been on the receiving end of that myself, it is sadly, not unexpected. Many issues and a lot of contentious speech was present tonight. I would also like to commend Jason Fry for his level-headedness and reasonable demeanor and his clarification of points when other council members were trying to confuse the issues or make veiled accusations against the Chief and the Mayor in regard to last weekends law enforcement coverage. Several citizens addressed that directly and wanted to know why Mr Molnar felt it necessary to again put Springdale in a bad light. He made an allegation that it happened due to incompetence and Jason was quick to clarify that it was known that the Chief was going to be out of town testifying in a case, and that the Mayor would be out but there was a procedure put in place with on-duty officer on how to handle the situation if there was a call-off. Many citizens made absolutely valid points and asked absolutely valid questions. I commend them as well because I know that sometimes its difficult stand up and to become a lightning rod for some of the disrespectful treatment that they received. I will offer my own understanding and opinion that the 2012 audit and the upcoming 2013 and the efforts of the Boro manager to bring order to what was apparently a troublesome situation are the right path to address concerns regarding the running of the boroughs economic business. There is more and I am profoundly interested in Jolies take, but I would venture to say it would be very helpful for other people to post their impressions of the meeting. I think one of the most profound points made tonight was the question from one of our citizens who conveyed her concern, based on the quality of those hired police officers who have proved to be liabilities to the Boro, of how she could consider whether she and her family would be safe here. Shes right. She is right to be concerned. She is right to speak about it. She is right to expect an answer.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 04:52:36 +0000

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