Although Mitt stated he would not be seeking political office - TopicsExpress


Although Mitt stated he would not be seeking political office again, I believe that after 8 years of the Liar-in-chief, the country will be in just the dire straits that is the environment where Mitt can really shine! Conversely, had the American people had the collective intelligence to see past the rhetoric of the snake oil salesman that they chose TWICE and actually elect a real leader, we would be no where near the situation where we are now. The country would still be respected as a world leader instead of every 2 bit tyrant in the world thumbing his nose at the USA with impunity knowing that the Wussy-in-chief will do nothing to try and stop him. We would not have illegal aliens streaming over the borders in numbers that rival the storm surge of Hurricane Arthur pushing over the beaches and flooding ground level homes on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We might have actually had a real healthcare bill that actually increased the number of people covered without suppressing job growth and without converting millions of full time jobs into part time ones. We would not have a healthcare system that has made healthcare unaffordable (in spite of the bill being named the Affordable Care Act) for millions more Americans than the number who could not afford or get insurance BEFORE it was implemented! We would not have a healthcare system that imposes fines on people for not buying its products, especially when the system itself has driven the costs associated with having the government mandated coverages so high that many more people than before it was passed can no longer afford policies. We would not have a healthcare system that is driving providers out of the market because government mandated reimbursements are too low. This is requiring the few people who can get coverage under the governments plans to have to travel much farther to find a provider who will accept the governments plans. We would not have more than DOUBLED the countrys deficit in under 8 years! We would not have an administration whose members are increasingly ignoring the rights of the People under the Constitution and imposing what amounts to the rule of dictatorship on the American Citizens. We would not have someone who demonstrates on an hourly basis every day that he has no leadership skills at all and has absolutely no idea of what the job he holds is really about. In closing, I want to point out to EVERY American Citizen who is registered to vote that in the last 2 presidential election cycles, the majority of you voted for the successful candidate for many reasons other than his having the best credentials for the job or the most qualifications for the job. I know that because I was watching the news reports and many other news articles on many different outlets where actual voters expressed these sentiments to the reporters. You voted yourselves free stuff and you voted yourselves hope and change. Well as it seems to have turned out, you got your change--although it appears that ii is not the change that was promised--, you have gotten your hope taken away, and all the free stuff you voted for seems to have a much higher price tag than what was advertised by the candidate. Perhaps, it is time to elect a candidate on his merits, his qualifications, his experience, and his real leadership qualities. The election of community activist types seems to have not produced the desired results.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 14:35:37 +0000

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