Although addressing religion is always sensitive I must weigh - TopicsExpress


Although addressing religion is always sensitive I must weigh in……….. The US Catholic Bishops will travel to Nogales, Arizona, March 30-April 1 to tour the U.S.-Mexico border and celebrate Mass on behalf of the close to 6,000 migrants who have died in the U.S. desert since 1998. They say………….. (from the article) “Hopefully by highlighting the harsh impact the system has on our fellow human beings, our elected officials will be moved to reform it,” Bishop Elizondo said. No problem if the USCCB would address the issue fairly – without bias – on both sides of the fence – but I guess NOT!!! – Maybe the USCCB could focus on the fact that those losing their lives in the desert are doing so knowing full well they are breaking our laws…. Unlike the Americans and Legal Residents you have suffered – THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN – who are also HUMAN BEINGS!!! I want the Catholic Bishops to address all the Americans who have suffered because our laws are not enforced - they can start with Louise Sollowin, Josh Wilkerson, Jamiel Shaw Jr., Mark Anderson , Brian Terry and so so many many more that I am unable to list here – those that have suffered here in the U.S. due to illegal immigration – crimes that were totally preventable. How about the Bishops start with Sister Helen Chaska – a Nun raped by an illegal alien and then strangled with her own rosary – What Say You CCB…. Apparently the Americans’ lives affected – MANY PERMANENTLY - just do not garnish as much attention if any huh? – Not part of their open borders agenda to fill those pews that are down seeing a decrease in attendance huh? The philosophy must be to follow the laws of the Church – just not the laws of our Nation Ruthie
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:26:46 +0000

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