Although love may be humanly expressed and humanly centered, it is - TopicsExpress


Although love may be humanly expressed and humanly centered, it is unquestionably a divine emotion. At least it is the most divine, the most supremely infinite, of all the emotions which surge through human consciousness. Love in its fullness and perfection is the ultimate gift of the Creator to the essential dignities of humanity. It was the final, distinguishing benediction upon Creation. Love is that which made of animistic humanity an image of the Creator and made us unique in the universe. It is love which constitutes the eternal, immortal relationship of humanity with the Divine. In lower species of the animal kingdom we find the emotions of adoration, or affection, or appreciative evaluation. But, these do not approach in essence or affect the emotion of love found in the human consciousness. The dog, the horse, and other animals of evolved domestic emotions, may manifest high degrees of sympathy, appreciation, loyalty and companionable friendship. These emotions proceed from elementary reasoning or finite impulses. Love proceeds from Cosmic intuition, from infinite inspiration, and is seldom agreeable with and never the offspring of finite reasoning. Love is creative. It grows through expression. It cannot expend nor consume itself. Love begets love; it seeks its own power everywhere and enhances itself in its devotion. Love is reactive. It perfects the being of the lover as the lover raises the ideal of his love. A love for and of the beautiful brings the beautiful into greater realization. A love of the nobility of life brings nobility into experience. A love of the spiritual values--in human and universal contacts--brings the values of the spiritual to our understanding. Love is the limitless power by which we can rule the destiny of our life, and it is the same power by which the Creator rules the destiny of the universe. As we increase in love we increase the attunement with God, for love is the essence of God. We have much to be thankful for, every day and every hour of our lives. Life itself is a rich blessing only because of the heritage of love. Ill health and disease of the human body are cleansed away by the surging power of infinite love, when it is permitted to fill the human consciousness and mind. Disease grows when love is suppressed. Sin, sorrow and disaster follow in the wake of unexpressed love. What is true of the physical body is true of the political body. As with people, so with nations. Love is always positive, never neutral. The absence of love permits hatred, envy, jealousy and selfishness to manifest. Disaster comes to nations of peoples in proportion as love is suppressed. Love cannot be confined and be true. Self satisfaction and contentment are self conceits. They express a false love and engender selfishness. Lack of appreciation is a denial of loves expression. Failure to give thanks is a retraction of loves power. The expression of thankfulness widens the horizon of receptivity. Such is the law of reciprocity, the law of compensation. Thankfulness is an impulse of love. A prayer of thankfulness is an expanding extension of consciousness. It brings our soul closer to God and quickens the love in the hearts of others. The surest way to bring peace and happiness into the consciousness of a nation is to foster thankfulness for the blessings at hand. The quickest way to bring prosperity and contentment into the affairs of a people is to send forth an abundance of love toward all of Creation. Let our thankfulness be expressed every day, not merely on one appointed day of the year. Let our love for all beings of all nations express itself as boundlessly as appears this great ocean upon which I am moving from the old world to the new, feeling secure in the universal love that created the seas and the many lands beyond. The world is ill at this moment. Its physical and political body is out of harmony. Pain and sorrow, as well as misfortune are manifest in all the lands, but love can conquer the inharmony--true love, universal, unbiased, unpolluted by racial distinctions. Give thanks for Life, for Light, for Love. Let your love brighten your heart and the heart of others. Surround yourself with a widening aura of love and dispel the shadows of gloom and depression. A universal law will bring to all beings the true desires of their hearts.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 10:45:26 +0000

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