Although men are proud of their richnesss, powers, famousness etc, - TopicsExpress


Although men are proud of their richnesss, powers, famousness etc, GOD is above all levels. We had HITLER, MAGRETH (British president,) IDD AMIN DADAA etc, their histories are still hot on the Universe, my questions are ARE THEY STILL ALIVE?,DIDNT THEY HIT THE GROUND?) ONLY JESUS CHRIST won the universe life, he came to save the lost and he is still on control to date. he needs your soul, my brethren, surrender to CHRIST whose life in you will never cease. use this example below then think about your future, Francisco Macias Nguema, unique miracle of Equatorial Guinea. Francisco Macias Nguema, the dictator of Equatorial Guinea had established in his country a bloody dictatorship and called himself The only miracle that Equatorial Guinea has produced. As a miracle, he had removed the hospitals, schools, churches and of his countrys foreign exchange reserves of the country. He even forbade his countrymen to wear shoes, to leave and return home. The son of a witch Fang Nsegayong born on 1 January 1924, emigrated in the region of Mongomo in Rio Muni, the young Masié (he changed his name later in Macías), was a mediocre product of the Catholic mission schools. The colonial period, he had retained a fierce hatred against the Spaniards and those he called intellectuals. In fact, lack of skills and knowledge, he has its slow progress in the colonial civil service. On August 3, 1979, he was captured during the coup of his nephew, right arm and successor, Teodoro Obiang Nguema. Locked in a cage of eight square meters, he still inspires terror to his captors. Summarily tried and convicted of genocide (50,000 dead and 150,000 refugees) September 29, 1979, he was sentenced to death and shot by his own lack of volunteers keeps Moroccan soldiers from Equatorial Guinea who took him for a quasi-god. His countrymen feared the ghost of his posthumous revenge reincarnated as a tiger. where is this man to day, how his nature of being proud helped him, where were his magicians? TO JESUS, WHO IS MY RESURRECTION AND LIFE I SURRENDER, COME ON MY COLLEAGUE!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 12:47:15 +0000

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