Although the doctor was very positive last night, Keiths heart - TopicsExpress


Although the doctor was very positive last night, Keiths heart still isnt completely fixed. It is a lot better but still has rhythm issues. The afib seems to be under control but his heart is still going in and out of the normal rhythm. The good news is that he is staying in a sinus rhythm even when it is not in a consistent beat. It seems that this arhymia is only occuring when he is awake and not sedated. Therefore if he were to need further treatment it would have to be while he is awake. The doctor hopes that by keeping him on the heart meds and blood thinner that the heart will recover from the trauma of the ablation and correct itself. When they do the ablation, they burn or sear around the bad cells so the heart has a lot of scarring. He was in surgery for 3 hours and in recovery for two. It definitely is not an easy little outpatient surgery. We are home now with orders to see the doctor in two weeks. He cannot drive for two days or lift anything heavy for a while as they had to go in an artery in one leg and a vein in the other. He is already on the phone and working and plans to drive to Midland on Monday. I wish he had the luxury of taking some more down time but he is being highly pressured to finish the two jobs he has going. He only has two of his original crew left as everyone else quit when it got cold in Lubbock. So, its basically Keith and two helpers plumbing two multi story motels. Any and all prayers for him to be able to take things one day at a time and to minimize stress are greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your sweet concern. He only got 30 minutes sleep last night so I hope that he slows down soon and takes a nap. Love to you all!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:24:07 +0000

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