Although, they were not known by the name catholic at that time, - TopicsExpress


Although, they were not known by the name catholic at that time, they had started practicing universalism. The Prophet Daniyl shows that the lost sheep of the house of Israyl would combine eleven religions that would work together with the armies to make war against The House of Yahweh. That is what the Prophet Daniyl was inspired to write about, what he called the fourth beast. The fourth beast is still attempting to rule the whole earth today. Remember, the fourth beast, after taking control of the whole world, was split into four powers. Those powers are known in this generation as the quartet. These powers are each great and have been in existence for many years, growing from the powers of the four generals that divided and took control of all the eastern nations. These four great powers combined their strength in 2002, just in time to fulfill the final prophecy of the fourth beast, its religions and its armies. For details of the Prophecies concerning the fourth beast and the quartet you need the books, The Mark of the Beast, Volume 1 and Birth of the Nuclear Baby. The Prophet Daniyl saw in a vision from Yahweh what we are seeing today in the news concerning man’s governments attempting to rule the world and those refusing their rulership. The leading religion is made up of eleven religions, all of which follow or worship different Gods but agree to pool their power and give it to the pope, the public figure and commander of the universal church and the two great armies that also yield their power to the pope, through the leader (president, king, etc.) of their countries. You need to understand how this great power or powers developed, its downfalls and its final stages because that concerns you and your family in these Last Days. In these Last Days, the attempts to rule will include nuclear activities. These attempts will fail. As the Prophet Daniyl was inspired to write, it’s like trying to mix iron with clay, it simply will not hold together. The religions of the Vatican are the same. There is no unity. These religions can’t rule because they have no laws on which they can agree. Their laws were not passed because they were Righteous and would bring peace and just judgments to all, but because they were the most profitable for the majority or they were made to believe they would be the most profitable by the one who was the best speaker, the greatest persuader. There the troubles begin as the minorities see they fall short. The troubles in the Vatican and in the whole quartet are now out of control. yahweh/htmls/5-2013-PW/5-2013pw.html
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 23:22:39 +0000

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