Although this is not medically verified, however according to my - TopicsExpress


Although this is not medically verified, however according to my experience as a staff nurse working with psychiatric patients previously i found the below article to hit the bulls eye. I hope the great scientific minds will develop aura therapies and medicine to treat psychiatric patients especially schizophrenia and i hope that MOH will legalize rTMS for auditory hallucination in Singapore not just for depression. lipstickmystic/how-to-heal-schizophrenia/ There are two primary causes of schizophrenia. The first is trauma, which can be physical or emotional trauma. This damages the protective outer “shell” of the aura and creates cracks, tears, or holes. This trauma will also sometimes create cracks in the outer “web” of individual chakras on the body (those energy centers which sit over vital organs and glands.) After this damage occurs, a variety of low vibration entities and parasitical beings can then flood into the auric field, so you have a case of entity attachments. And if the protective outer web of a chakra is heavily damaged, these entities can also take up lodging in that specific chakra and start creating disease conditions in the related organs or glands. These entities range from relatively mild “nuisance” type entities that are negative elementals to discarnates (human or animal) to demonic entities. These entities are the cause of the mental confusion, emotional swings, and intrusion of “voices” which become common in schizophrenia. In my past articles warning about the effects of ayahuasca, I mentioned how this powerful psychedelic can create severe mental disorders in people. One of the common problems is bipolar disorder, but schizophrenia can also happen after someone takes ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is extremely damaging to the entire system and taking it is experienced as severe trauma by the body; it creates holes in the auric field, and then any old entity can come in and attach itself. Ayahuasca also damages the outer covering or protective web which sits over the ajna and third eye chakras. Sometimes a third cause manifests schizophrenia, and that is soul fragmentation. Sometimes after trauma (physical or emotional) a fragment of a person’s vital soul energies can fragment off. Once in a while someone who is hearing “voices” and is considered schizophrenic is actually hearing these voices of the disowned and lost fragments which need to be cleansed, healed, and then returned and integrated back into that person’s primary personality and physical body. More often, though, I’ve found that schizophrenics seem to be suffering just from trauma/holes in the aura and entity attachments.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 02:59:10 +0000

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