Although this post is a shorter version of a previous post about - TopicsExpress


Although this post is a shorter version of a previous post about being YOU, and the linked video is mostly focused on women... The main focus is for all of us who wear masks in order to look-good and feel-good people-pleasing. (Please read - then view video) Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. – Dr. Seuss “Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone’s task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it.” - Viktor E. Frankl Can you disappoint another to be true to yourself? Can you bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul? Are you who people think you are? Or do you let them see only a persona masked carefully so that you will be accepted? Do you do the things you do (or dont do) for social acceptance? Fear of what others think causes us to wears masks. But more so what we find underneath those masks are: shame, guilt, shyness, perfectionism and many more attitudes and feelings driven by fear. Whatever form it comes in, its impact is to limit, to constrain, to constrict and to hinder us from truly being ourselves. Our greatest fear is that if people really knew me or saw my true self - they wouldnt like me. Way too many of us live our lives in a way to be accepted - rather than stand strong and bold for what we believe in - even if that means standing alone. We fear standing alone and thus we live our lives according to how everyone around us expects us to live it. In this process of seeking to look-good to others and feeling-good by trying to please others; we end up losing our own identity as we compromise our true self. We forget or fail to ever find who we are. We become whatever the world wants us to be - but we do so at the expense of failing to discover our true identity and purpose. Each of us has our own unique mission and purpose in this life. But it is one of discovery. Part of that mission is to discover our unique purpose and meaning. This can inly be done outside of our comfirt-zones. Once we have that understanding we are well on our way to that place very few find; that place of fulfillment, satisfaction, contentment, joy and peace. That place of knowing who we are and why we are here. However, it seems that we would rather betray ourselves, and lose ourselves looking good to others, than bear the accusation of not fitting in or even betrayal from those around us. Why be a people pleaser when you can be yourself and have people love and appreciate you for who you really are - that unique, special, and wonderfully made, authentic human being? Let yourself be truly seen! Stand out!! You will only live once. So stay outside of the safety of your comfort-zone. BE UNIQUE in a world of wanna-bes and copy-caters and people-pleasers! In a world where the majority of people live their lives on auto pilot, wearing all kind of masks and costumes and pretending to be whatever everyone else expects them to be - DARE to be different. DARE to be the unique and the wonderful being you were born to be. DARE to stand out stand up and stand apart - BE SEEN! And impact this world like no other!!! THATS what you were meant to do - influence those around you by example so that they too will be all that they can be, for others. To be unafraid to stand up against the status quo, you are actualizing yourself through dying to that selfish desire to fit-in and be accepted. Stop people pleasing! Stop wearing those masks, and live life to its fullest - naked and exposed - vulnerable! Let go of fear, denial, suppression, and what’s most important, let go of the pretending! Do not live a life according to other people’s expectations. Embrace YOU and your own unique and authentic soul; and start living life the way it was intended - free from the bondage of deceptions if a look-good and feel-good comfort-zone! If you go around begging for approval, looking for love and validation outside of YOU, you will be very unhappy and you continue to be at the mercy of the people you are begging love and approval from! NEVER get your sense of worth from others! Don’t let other people tell you how much you’re worth, decide for yourself. Know who you are. Know that you are enough. Perfect for the mission and purpose before you! And know that all you have been through has prepared you for the place outside of that comfort-zone and free from that prison. It’s called self-worth not others-worth. And PLEASE dont mistake what Im saying and become even more selfish and self-centered. Its about being all that you can be - FOR others - not ACCORDING to others expectations. Smith Wighkesworth once said it didnt matter if he made someone happy or angry - just that he never left them as he found them!!! I LOVE that! We are here to impact others. To be Gods instrument of conviction and justice and rightness - and that cannot be done wearing the masks of conformity! And DO NOT FEAR exposure of your dark side! Carl Jung said it this way, Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it. Furthermore, it is constantly in contact with other interests, so that it is continually subjected to modifications. But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets corrected. Become naked and unafraid to be vulnerable and open to criticism. But know that you are NOT what the world wants you to be - you are not what the world says you are - you are uniquely YOU! Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You. - Dr. Seuss The world NEEDS you for YOU and not for who youve been confirmed to be or pretended to be. Be an example for your children, your family, your friends and for the world you live in. Be authentic. Be real. Be YOU! DARE greatly!! DARE boldly! Some of the most powerful words that have ever been spoken came from a man who has impacted this world like no other. Jesus. Jesus wanted us to know that “Even the least among you can do ALL that I have done, and greater things.” but also “if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Remove the heaviness and the bondage of the masks! Be YOU! NOTHING is impossible for YOU - the authentic YOU... The REAL and TRUE YOU!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 17:48:06 +0000

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