Although îmân is a whole entity, it is divided into three types - TopicsExpress


Although îmân is a whole entity, it is divided into three types in respect of its strength: 1. The îmân obtained by religiously ignorant people through imitating their parents with respect to belief and acts of worship is termed îmân-i taqlîdî [imitative belief]. It is feared that such people may lose their îmân. 2. The îmân of people who have learned the rules of Islam —i.e., fards, wâjibs, sunnats, mustahabs, mubahs, harâms, makrûhs and mufsids—from ‘ilm-i hâl books and act upon this knowledge of theirs is termed îmân-i istidlâlî [that is, knowing with proofs]. The îmân of such people is strong. [istidlâl: reasoning; inferring the existence of the doer of the work by seeing the work, that is, to know the existence of the Creator by seeing His creatures.] 3. This type of îmân is the îmân of ‘ârifs. If all people became unbelievers, their heart would never be clouded with even the slightest doubt. Such îmân is analogous to that of prophets, and it is termed îmân-i haqîqî [real belief]. [‘ârif: a great scholar who has comprehended through their heart the knowledge about Allahu ta’âlâ and His attributes. For one to be an ’ârif, it is necessary to make progress and be promoted in the way of tasawwuf.]
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 09:30:55 +0000

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