Always and always we should ask the same question. When I see - TopicsExpress


Always and always we should ask the same question. When I see what the media presents as news, the bottom line for me is “What does this piece of news reveal about the god worshiped by the individual making today’s news?” After all, we become like the god we serve. The God of my childhood was a kindly person, benevolently interested in each individual. He it was who had created many unique and interesting individuals and as the old song says, “I have a special purpose that He wanted me to find. So He made me very special, I’m the only one of my kind.” I don’t believe that every person even within my own faith community knows about a God who loves and values each individual, who weeps over the death and destruction of any of His human children. He must be standing in some corner of paradise this morning, weeping over His losses. Today’s news about the terrorist attack in Nairobi has my attention at the moment. What kind of character does Allah possess if he requires his followers to create chaos and destroy the lives of unique individuals who made the mistake of going shopping on Saturday, September 21 at Westgate Mall. I feel sorrow for the gunmen who have never learned to respect human life. If they don’t respect the “divine spark” in the other, then there is no possibility they can recognize the “divine spark” in their own lives. Now this Allah in whose name they act must be a very weak person if he has the need to create fear in order to gain converts. The only God who is worthy of my devotion is a God that weeps but does not interfere lest He take away my ability to make choices. Those who are begging God to intervene are wishing to remake the Creator in the image of Allah. God is a gentleman who stands at the door of our hearts begging for entrance but never forcing that entrance. The outstanding question in the universe is “Which is more powerful, force or love?” On that question, I must be voting differently than most others. Breta White, September 22, 2013.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 16:04:17 +0000

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