Always enjoy the 9/11 truther comments on YouTube whenever the - TopicsExpress


Always enjoy the 9/11 truther comments on YouTube whenever the subject comes up on the radio show. Happened again today. Usually, its a variation on, AND YOURE SUPPOSED TO BE A SKEPTIC! Then some controlled demolition bullshit about an overwhelming consensus of engineers and references to Building 7, which speaks more to the pattern-seeking tendencies of human beings and our predilection for conspiracy thinking than it does about the evidence. Yes, we should examine this stuff. But for the love of Pete, stop getting your evidence from the Zeitgeist films, which are a blender of fact and fiction that cheats the entire series of its credibility. Skeptic addressed the truther movement on the 5th anniversary of the attack. Let the hate mail begin.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 03:30:02 +0000

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