Always learning something new.... Adiponectin is literally the - TopicsExpress


Always learning something new.... Adiponectin is literally the hormone that tells your body to burn fat for fuel. And its like your bodys fat burning torch. Multiple studies have shown, that the more of this super hormone you have circulating in your bloodstream, the more fat you burn. And research also shows that low levels of Adiponectin are associated with a higher incidence of obesity. According to Dr. Leo Galland, Director of The Foundation for Integrated Medicine,A lack of adequate adiponectin is emerging as a significant factor in peoples inability to melt flab and stay slim. The frustrating thing about Adiponectin is that the more fat you have, the lower your levels which is why LOSING fat is so darn difficult at the beginning. You need a kick start... Steven Sisskind, M.D So you actually want a high level of adiponectin and there a few things you can (or may already be doing with Plexus) to increase it. Studies show that there are few supplements you can use that will increase this fat burning super hormone! 1) increase your magnesium intake, either by taking the high quality supplement BioCleanse (which is quite inexpensive), or by consuming seeds (pumpkin seeds are great) and green, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale. 2) Caffeine. Specifically the caffeine found in Green Coffee Beans, one of the key ingredients in Slim. That is because it is rich in Chlorogenic Acids 3) Turmeric. (also known as curcumin) fights inflammation, which, at high levels, contributes to weight gain. As well as working at the fat cell level, turmeric increases adiponectin production, improving your insulin sensitivity. It works by reducing the hormones in your fat cells that cause inflammation . . . and boosts adiponectin, which helps control appetite. If you prefer supplements, Plexus Fast Relief contains turmeric. 4) Omega 3 Fatty Acids. A review of the scientific literature regarding the influence of diet on adiponectin levels showed that Daily intake of fish or omega-3 supplementation increased adiponectin levels by 14 to 60 percent. Weight loss achieved with a low-calorie diet plus exercise increased adiponectin levels in the range of 18 to 48 percent. Plexus Fast Relief contains ETArol, a highly concentrated Oily Extract of the New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel. 91 Fatty Acids have been detected in Green Lipped Mussel Oil including 10 Omega 3 PUFAs.(Hormone Harmony) The Plexus line of wellness products can address all of theses needs! Learn more about Slim, BioCleanse, and Fast Relief. Message me when you are ready!
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 11:11:56 +0000

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