Always start with what you love or enjoy. Especially on days where - TopicsExpress


Always start with what you love or enjoy. Especially on days where you have to do the things you enjoy least. I used to put the things I enjoy last. Personally and professionally. Initially, it started as a mental reward system - do this thing I really loathe and then I get the reward of what I love. Because you have to earn your joy. Right? (oh, so wrong) It was motivating for awhile. Then somewhere along the way, the days just started being more and more of what I dont enjoy and I could never get to the other side to that reward that was waiting. It left my life feeling very heavy and imbalanced. All work and no play. Overwhelmed with the mundane.Clearly, I hadnt worked hard enough and joy was the price to be paid. (oh, so wrong) This past year I have been focussing on managing my energy. I had time, and money management down but was still running on fumes. Still. Years on fumes. I had no patience of this low level living anymore, so I began to focus on what energizes me and what depletes me. It was a fascinating discovery process, and I started playing around with how and when to do things for me that create more of an energizing impact in my life. Could I do the same things in my life but in a different way to yield a different result? Yep!! My big discovery was to do the things I enjoy least- do them last. Or atleast after I have prioritized the things I enjoy and energize me. Not because I am procrastinating. Not at all. But putting things that deplete my energy after the things I enjoy shifted everything. By doing what energizes me gives me fuel for everything else. Its like filling up your gas tank instead of trying to take a road trip on fumes. So today was cuddles, food, Qoya, catching up with a friend and walking a dog. All things I love. And the rest of the day, I feel energized and ready to rock. Next up: taxes, laundry, logistics and banking (least favorite things). I know people will argue that life is busy and full and there is no time or space. I invite you to really consider the design of your day. Are you willing to do 1 thing you enjoy before doing all else, just for one week? Id love to know if you experiment and see what results you get. Maybe you already have a system thats working for you. If so, share! What are your tricks for managing your energy?
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 20:13:04 +0000

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