Am CELEBRATING MY LIFE! Recent days have marked a significant - TopicsExpress


Am CELEBRATING MY LIFE! Recent days have marked a significant turning point for me. Having spent years being seriously ill with CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia and all they entail...this morning lm in a sacred space ofhonouring and gratitude for what was, IS and will BE. In contrast to countless years living with constant pain, debilitating insomnia, severe muscle wastage, being in energy deficit, being weak and vulnerable and feeling heartbroken and without any garantees for an active free l am having new and different experiences. Yesterday l exercised twice!!! First was with a dear friend walking through beautyfull English countryside and around a stunning lake in rich lush vegetation, bathed in welcomed sun-kisses. Afterwards we took quality time to sit in a luxurious lounge...deepen our conversation and explore what was calling my friend onwards. Totally unexpectedly she treated us to an English cream tea - though not on my strict diet - it nourished the tastebuds and fed my heart. The second was my FIRST SWIM IN OUR LOCAL RIVER for about 8 years. With new friends (including their delightful boundless energied young boys aged 7 & 9)...we kitted out last night with beverages for the journey and headed off. We swam with the tides and blissed out with the changing skies of the magnificent sunset. For close to 2 hours! I was so deeply moved at how well l managed. Throughout we laughed and teased one another, celebrated the beauty and meditation of our surroundings and the moment. They cracked open their drinks and supped these as we floated almost effortlessly with the tides carrying us. Watching all the folk on the shores watching us, we not unkindly chuckled at the notion of who were the ones encaged? - despite us being the rare spectal. Carpe diem springs to mind. Throughout the time getting to the river and swimming my friends checked in with to how l was doing and if l needed anything. Not once did l feel they were caretaking of me, rather that they genuinely were caring of me. The difference is worlds apart. And being cared about in this way is so welcome and melts my heart. After our adventures and the sensory pleasures of fresh hot showers, the youngest boy returned home to mine...all warm and snugged in our PJs, l gave him a massage using my professional soft tissue sports treatment equipment which he requested. He then decided (bless his heart) that it was my turn and that l had to lay on my bed whilst he expertly massaged me!!! :-) How sweet is that and how generous in says a lot about how his parents nurture, guide and role model for him and his equally as thoughtful brother. Together we then made him a bracelet using beads hed picked for himself from my magic box. Despite not yet having had my evening meal...l was blissfully exhausted and following his daddy collecting him and lots of delicious goodnight hugs, opted on a cup of redbush chai and some wholesome pecan nuts for a bedtime snack before falling into deep and restorative sleep. Free of pain and remorseless tremors. This morning lve awoken to another glorious English summers day. My morning meditations calling me and following my green liquid breakfast...intend heading out for a bike ride. This will be my 5th in 10 days :-)) What lm witnessing through my somewhat extended share are the fruits of millions of tiny moment-by-moment choices, decisions and actions... The benefits. Its an ongoing process which lm inside of...and whilst some folks vision is to win in the Olympics..mine is to reclaim my life, learn how to thrive and flourish in healthy and sustainable ways, and through my sharing hopefully inspire others along the way. Regardless of how big, longtaking and painful our challenges...lm holding the bigger vision of whats possible for you...till you can realise this for yourselves. In deep gratitude for your infinite inspirations and company along the way. Love Nyali #femininepower #divinelyinspired #anatomyofinspiration #livingmydreams
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 06:57:30 +0000

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