Am I asleep? How would I know if I were asleep? How would I know - TopicsExpress


Am I asleep? How would I know if I were asleep? How would I know if I were awake? Why didn’t the bridesmaids know the time of the Wedding Feast? Were they not Israelites, taught of the Lord in His Law, and in it His plan of redemption? Will we hear thunder or Salvation? So then, What is the Crux of the Matter? Thus, the calendar of the Lord shows us, as the last generation, that our Lord’s Feasts are NOT abolished or irrelevant! We have yet to receive the rich blessings of Heaven in a way we have not yet imagined or seen fulfilled from the books of Daniel and Revelation. (Rev 1:3) The Feasts of the Lord, being directly associated with the beginning and/or the ending of these prophetic time lines could only have been planned in the courts of Heaven, and carried out by the Mighty Angel, —the Son of God. We need to pay more attention than ever to the study of these prophecies and what our Saviour is doing for us in the Heavenly Sanctuary, —the repeated, “more direct fulfillment” of prophetic history. In my studies, I have found that God’s appointed time lines and their appointed events will take their place among last-day events as the seven thunders! Daniel was told to seal up these repeated times and events (Dan 9:24; 12:4, 9), but they are now unsealed and explained in the Revelation (Rev 5:5), and we will soon see them specifically unsealed and read from the little book which is in the hand of the Mighty Angel (Rev 10:9, 10; 22:10). Jesus is working among the nations (Eze 1) by a calendar of His creation (the seasons; Gen 1:14, Strong’s H4150; mow`ed —Feasts of the Lord), and He is on time! It is NOT the Gregorian calendar, and neither will Jesus work according to the pagan holidays which the world celebrates today! Soon, very soon, Palmoni (Jesus—Dan 8:13; Strong’s H6422; who is walking upon the river of time, Dan 8:16), will show that it is He that is “the wonderful Numberer” (or, “the Numberer of Secrets”, or “that has all secrets numbered”); and will show by His appointed time prophecies of the Sabbath and the seven Feasts that He is in control of the last-day events. These last events which will be fulfilled as foretold to the very day, revealing God’s Law, are the thundering events of Daniel and Revelation. Those who deeply desire to watch Him work will be able to see His every move, and if they keep their eyes open they will move with Him at His appointed times, and they will know that He is not the imposter! (EW 54.2-56.1) Unfortunately, most Christians today don’t believe that the Feasts of the Lord should play any role in their lives, let alone that they will complete their fulfillment in last-day events. Thus, the Feast Days in relation to the Judgment of the Living is irrelevant to them. Most Christians today prefer to keep the holidays of Satan rather than to worship the God of Heaven on His Holy Days! Sad it is, that even this apostasy by His professed people has been prophesied! Inseparably Linked Together: • The seven thundering events are read from the little open book of Daniel and are therefore under the control of the Mighty Angel who is holding the book. • The seven thunders are the repeated prophecies of Daniel (Rev 10:11; Dan 12:4, 9, 13) and will complete their fulfillments according to the appointed times. (Feasts of Lev 23 of which the Sabbath stands at the head! In reality, there are eight Feasts of the Lord, the seventh-day Sabbath we keep each week in honor of our Creator and Re-Creator!) • John represents the last generation who take part in the end-time events. This is represented by eating the little book, thus becoming a living part of them. We must be alive to eat; and we must eat to stay alive! • The last great test of mankind, image worship, is set-up (Dan 8:11-13; Chp 3); the last conflict starts and continues to grow until the earth is destroyed. Daniel says this “abomination” is the cause of the “desolation.” (Dan 11:31; 12:11.) • This last test starts the Judgment of the Living which takes place during these prophetic time lines and appointed times, until their completion, and then shall the Heavenly Sanctuary be cleansed of the sins of the redeemed, —at the end of the 2300 literal days. (“at the ending of the days”—A Word to the Little Flock, p.12.4-9; EW 243.2; Ev 221.3) All of these points are linked together in the final acts of redemption. —The Rest of the Story! The study of the ten sleeping Bridesmaids is incomplete without knowing the answer to a very important question; Who gives the midnight cry? • We know that it’s not the “church,” who is represented by the bridesmaids, —for they are all asleep! • We also know that it’s not the Bridegroom or the angels of Heaven that directly give the warning message, for that is not how Heaven works. (For the process Heaven uses to reveal truth to man see this Further Study. —FS-11; EW 238.1, 2.) So then, who gives the Midnight Cry revealing the time when the door will be opened, so that the church, the sleeping five wise (our Lord is very merciful!) can awake and join the Wedding Feast? “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.” Matt 25:6 It may seem that the answer is not given, but look closely, for in the story there is an invisible group of a select few warriors of the Lord. They are wide awake, they know the time of the Wedding, —they are the “messengers.” (FS-12; SpTA04 4.3) The Midnight Cry is given by human voices, —aided by Heaven! (The generation of 1844 is the historical example, i.e. William Miller and a select few.) These messengers know the message, they know the meaning of the event, and they know the time. (See Note below.) But it is NOT a secret that must be given only to a select few; for the complete Truth is revealed in the Feasts of the Lord, which anyone may learn if they but lay aside their prejudice! It is these messengers who are eager to learn any truth Jesus gives them and it is they who are willing to be used of the Lord for any purpose He asks. It is they who come out of seemingly nowhere, and on time, to herald the warning message of the Midnight Cry, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.” These messengers will both foretell and/or live through this last great plan of redemption, given of the Lord in His illustrations of types, symbols, and shadows, until they take their place and are fulfilled in the antitype of the last days. (Dan 12:13) —More specifically, the Divinely appointed dates of Heaven’s sacred calendar; on the Almighty’s annual Sabbaths, His Feasts, His Fasts, and new moons. Praise God! Praise God! Praise our Heavenly Father for such a Grand Plan, which He has given to His Son to complete our redemption!!! Could it be that if a bridesmaid believes and acts on these truths, then they are no longer asleep?! Note: Please! Do not be confused; the Wedding is NOT the Second Coming of Christ! It is the end of the 2300 days, which is prefigured in the last Great Day of Atonement! (Dan 8:14—then shall the Heavenly Sanctuary be cleansed. FS-13.) (FS-7 —GC 499.2; EW 243.2; also see FS-14) We must also take note that the Day of Atonement is not the last Feast! (Lev 23:39-43.) Satan’s Counterfeit Plan Has this Grand Plan of Heaven been counterfeited by Satan? YES, of course it has! Most of the world today live by Satan’s yearly calendar and celebrate, in one form or another, his pagan holidays, even those who profess to be Christ’s followers. Isn’t it interesting that most Christians believe that the Feasts of the Lord were done with away at the cross. Is this the very reason that they are asleep to the Wedding’s event and time? Satan must be pleased with what he has accomplished! He doesn’t want one person to understand and accept God’s last great plan of Salvation’s saving events! Our Lord asks us to awake out of our sleep, for it is foretold that the Mighty Angel’s last warning times and events will be THUNDEROUS! (Rev 10:1-3) The fact that Satan has counterfeited the Lord’s Feasts made me realize how important they are to the last generation. The Feasts of the Lord have been hidden from the eyes of the saints when in fact they should play a major role in our daily lives! If there is one thing I have learned about the controversy between Christ and Satan, it is that Satan applies his greatest energies in obscuring the paths that lead to Salvation. The Feasts of the Lord, if kept yearly, would not only lead us but would keep us in the path of Salvation! If Satan would go to all the trouble to set-up pagan holidays, disguising them as religious, and more or less forcing them on all the peoples of the earth, it would be a form of worship I want to shun! The Lord’s People Live by His “Daily” —Dan 8:13 . . . . In Daniel 8:13 we are shown that a part of the conflict of the 2300 days is the “daily.” This same conflict is found repeatedly in the prophetic chapters of Daniel. —Dan 8:11—“the daily sacrifice was taken away” —Dan 8:12—“an host was given him against the daily sacrifice” —Dan 8:13—“How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice” —Dan 9:27—“he shall cause the [daily] sacrifice and the oblation to cease” —Dan 11:31—“they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice” —Dan 12:11—“the daily sacrifice shall be taken away” This is the same conflict of which we read in Daniel chapters 1-6, where we see Daniel and his friends in a daily battle against paganism, i.e. Dan 1:5, 8. We are not going into a study of the daily at this point, except to show that it is a major conflict among the time lines and events of Daniel. This daily will again be a major issue in last-day events, and will plague the saints as a locust to a tree. (Rev 9:3-5) “It is the issue of the daily test that determines their victory or defeat in life’s great crisis.” (FS-8; DA382.3-4) The Revelation unseals Daniel as the seven thundering last-day events; events that shine from the Holy Law of God in the Heavenly Sanctuary, —righteousness by faith in Christ Jesus (Rev 4 &5). Truly, this is only the beginning of what we can learn from the Revelation of Jesus Christ and the little book of Daniel. God has great things for us to learn and take part in, if we will give our all! “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. . . Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.” 1Thess 5:4, 6; FS-9—DA 235.3 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Matt 24:44; FS-7
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 16:28:51 +0000

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