Am I missing something here? Do I have this right? It sounds as - TopicsExpress


Am I missing something here? Do I have this right? It sounds as though Stephen Harper is pledging (along with Nato Allies) to stop the reunification of Crimea to Russia. According to Vladimir and the Ukrainian people, The citizens of the region have been requesting reunification with russia after resent events have erupted in conflict there. According to a speech delivered by Putin on the subject of Crimea in recent days, the people of Crimea (with majority of whom are Russian culturally) have held a democratic referendum, which has declared quite loudly with over 80% of the people in the region voting to re-join Russia. Vladimir doesnt sound, AT ALL, as though he is on a war path, but expresses Russias interest in protecting and preserving quality of life and liberty for those in Crimea, that Russia is there for them. He also expressed in his statements that Russia has had no intention to take over the region by force, but to allow international and constitutional law to play its role here. He said that there are Russian naval fleets deployed and running exercises near by, but from their point of view, it doesnt violate any treaties or international laws that have been in place. He seems to be expressing concern for the people there, wanting to help them out, where the failing soviet union could not in the past. That re-unification has been the peoples decision and not by any attempt to merely seize control over the area. I have heard some interviews given by Ukrainian people expressing how economically disastrous it would be to be subject to the influences and powers of the EU, but how joining with Russia is largely considered a good move that would make many things better. If the Region is Culturally Russian, and the people have democratically voted in favour of becoming a part of Russia again, having expressed the failure and conflict that has resulted from the currently overthrown regime by its citizens; then i dont see why Canada needs to be involved in this. Is it the other end of Ukraine that is trying to install a new government? I dont have all the facts and I may have some things wrong. According to some Ukrainian people, Neo Fascist groups are attempting to seize democratic control over the region and they are getting help from the European Union, The U.S. and Canada to Use this as an opportunity to install a government that aligns with their interests. I am open to criticism and discussion on this, I would like to know more about this, as it seems to me like Canada and the U.S are getting ready to go to War with Russia over this. Maybe we should be looking at this very closely. Is our government making a fatal error in sticking its nose into this?? Should we be worried about nuclear war?
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:51:46 +0000

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