Am I the only one who thinks that this whole mess with Donald - TopicsExpress


Am I the only one who thinks that this whole mess with Donald Sterling is simply ridiculous? Why did his girlfriend record a private conversation? What is her motive? Do we understand the FULL context of the discussion they were having? Can we trust that she did not further manipulate the recording to take his statements further out of context and create the context that SHE wanted? Is Donald Sterling not allowed to have his own personal opinions, regardless of how unpopular they might be? Has Donald Sterling done anything illegal in the context of this story? Has Donald Sterling mistreated any of his black employees or team members? Did Donald Sterling publicly shame, offend and/or embarrass any black person? (This tape does not count. He did not release it. What he said was in private and in confidence to his then girlfriend.) Do the people that have worked for him for decades NOT know the type of man he is? Why, now that the story is public, is it an issue for them? The L.A. Clippers team members are protesting against him but theyre still playing for him. Theyre still accepting his money. Theyre still playing his games. That seems like theyre playing a whole nother game right now. One of politics. Putting social pressure on him to sell the team, while they get to retain their jobs. Unless he sticks to his guns, or worse, just disbands the team completely without selling it. All of this reeks of bull****. Black people are saying that this vindicates and illustrates the fears theyve had for years, that racism is alive and well. Very well. So what do they want to do about it? They want to take away this mans team. Ok. Just remember, most of the NBA teams are made up of black men. These teams are mostly owned by white men. (Which, to me, sounds almost like publicly sanctioned slavery. If youre a part of the team and I own the team then I own you. But dudes still wanna be ballers.But thats an aside.) You think Donald Sterling is the only sports team owner who voices opinions like that in the privacy of his own home? P.S. Heard something tonight said by a sports commentator that irked me. He said that Donald Sterling only views the members of his team as labour. Their only value is that they make him money. Yes, they are labour. Yes, they do make him money. They are an investment. He is a businessman. He doesnt like black people? OK. Hes not the only racist in America. But he has a team that employed them and pays them all a ton-load of money. He doesnt have to like them. They dont have to like him. They both just need to stick to their contracts. And people need to put down their stones. None of us is without sin. Weve all been honest and said worse things about people in private. P.S.S. Dont bother bringing up the court case in which he wouldnt rent places to blacks and hispanics. Yes, that was illegal. Yes, that was hella racist. Ive already acknowledged that hes racist. But hes already paid for that crime. That has little to do with this. P.S.S.S. I dont think I should have to explain this, but I am not excusing racism nor attempting to justify it nor to say that its acceptable. What Im saying is be realistic.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 08:37:35 +0000

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