Am UPND but am not happy with some UPND supporters. I want to - TopicsExpress


Am UPND but am not happy with some UPND supporters. I want to see HH in state house one day,and i will be one of the happiest people to see him become president.But with certain UPND supporters that might never happen.I know some UPND supporters think insulting and slandering people from other parties is the only way to win votes but you are very mistaken,you are actually decampigning HH.I dont know if some of you are doing it knowingly or unknowingly but you are really taking UPND behind and that really upsets and saddens me..Just because someone has a different opinion with yours doesnt mean you are now enemies and you start slandering each other,hell NO!!I wont tolerate foolishness from anyone simply because we support the same party,a wrong is a wrong and it should not be tolerated..As long as some UPND supporters keep behaving the way they behave we shall remain in opposition forever,believe me.!Those people you are slandering and insulting day and night have relatives who might be UPND but because of your foolishness we will keep losing more and more supporters every day,infact every minute and second.Just like i always say if you can not tame your mouth its better to keep quiet because there is more to earn from silence than talking rubbish every second.A second of silence is better and silence is golden. #happytuesdaytoyouall
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 05:28:03 +0000

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