Am in this rant-rant–rant mood ever since I visited Calcutta - TopicsExpress


Am in this rant-rant–rant mood ever since I visited Calcutta this winter. First it was the bloody pollution and the fact that Calcuttans seem to have no sense of space. (I am talking about the odd car that comes pushing into your way on the road as well as the irritating person who breathes down your neck at public hand wash areas in restaurants). Then there was the mother and the mother in law. And then there was Victoria Memorial and the way ASI has maintained it. Then there was Suhel Seth. My in laws, unusually, do not read any Bengali paper. They do not even read the Times of India. So I was forced to read The Telegraph through my vacation. And those of you who read it would know of the page dedicated to Suhel Seth. Now I do not know why people talk to these Agony Aunt kind of pages on magazines but they do. And not all problems concern a pimple on the face. There are some serious issues also. Most magazines I have read seem to have a rather understanding approach to these issues. But this one is a pure masterpiece. I’ll explain. There was this entry on December 28th that he answered in his usual way: My seven year old son is autistic. He goes to an English medium school. Though, he is good in studies, he cannot communicate properly with friends and teachers. But he can communicate with family members in a better way. I am not financially strong enough to consult counsellors. We are worried about our son. Please help. Name and address withheld Frankly I do not have a clue. Try sending him to Delhi and I will try and see if he can become a Member of Parliament. Most of those clowns are autistic even though they pretend to be normal! But on a serious note, this is a tricky one and you will be well-advised to consult someone from the world of medicine. I am sure there are hospitals where you live unless of course you live in the Sunderbans. Try one of those places: it will be far better than wasting my time and yours by writing to me. I mean. Look at this. Autism is a serious situation and even if I know no one affected by this, I can only imagine whatthis hapless parent might be going through. And what does Suhel Seth say? Does he even read the question before answering it? You judge. And here are some others I found: I am currently working in a bank and my boss has been hitting on me for the past one year. He has tried to woo me through various means, however, I have always avoided him. However, six months back, I also started feeling for him. Though I wanted to avoid getting into a physical relationship with him, he has been persisting for long. I gave in last month and we ended up getting physical. But he has been ignoring me ever since. If I want, I can reveal all his secrets and ruin his career, but I will not do that. What should I do? Name and address withheld Nothing. Just carry on with some bank work for a change. Why do you think banks all over the world are in this situation? You guys are so busy sleeping with each other that in the process the consumer and the market gets screwed if you know what I mean? My advice to you is re-jig your love or lust passbook and start working for a change. Given the kind of woman you are, this is not going to be your last affair. I see you becoming an expert in this business and your capital adequacy ratios in terms of lustful affairs are very high. Have a good life and let me know if you need any help! I am a 52-year-old man. My wife has misappropriated a huge chunk of money from our joint accounts and original insurance policies. She is denying the fact and is also refusing to hand over the cheque books and pass books, which are still with her. She abuses me scornfully in front of our relatives. I want a legal annulment of our marriage either by divorce or by changing religion so that I can remarry. Please advise. Name and address withheld Legal annulment even after all this? Are you in denial? This woman hates you. If you were valuable, she would have killed you and you still want to explore legal options? Throw the bloody woman out; complain to the cops (not if you live in Calcutta since those guys are busy running cricket) and run for your life. Abuses you? I am surprised she hasn’t thrown acid on you or slapped you, you little loser; you glutton for punishment. You are everything a man shouldn’t be. God, they still make people like you? This man has no respect for another person, is extremely condescending about real issues and seems to have no idea of what he is talking about. And The Telegraph still has him on its payroll. Sure, it mentions he has an “unconventional take” but does unconventional really translate to rude? Disgusting? Insensitive? Again, you judge.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 13:37:46 +0000

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