Am no adent supporter/follower of Raila, Kalonzo or Wetangula, - TopicsExpress


Am no adent supporter/follower of Raila, Kalonzo or Wetangula, this is just whats on my mind. Now, there are these anti-sabasaba demos campaigners, the likes of #Adede_Owala has been so active in it. akia ni enbe ne omadho chae state house. Listen. One of the reasons i think do make pupils/students fail exams is always this state of mind that they are studying for their teachers or parents. The same way people been arguing, Raila akitaka twende maandamano ye na akina Orengo, Muthama, Kalonzo, Wetangula na Nyongo wakue mbele na watoto wao. Siezi risk ku shootiwa na wale watu nafanyia maandamano watoto wao wako ulaya... Well, watoto wa akina Raila wako ulaya. Infact hata vita ikizuka sai they will be safe. Just the same way, when the papers are hard, youll have that headache and after youve passed your teacher will take the credit for having done a good job on you, and maybe your parent for having guided you well through, yet... the real beneficiary in that case will be you cause you would have archived something by gaining some knowledge that will help you through your life. The teacher can give his kids a mwaks and they just pass. The same way, when rioting or demontrating against the government, you wont be doing it for Raila, Kalonzo or Wetangula but for you. Those people will afford to buy sugar at even 10k per kg if it were to get to that height. They can afford to buy a kg of flour at 5k daily without feeling a pinch if kenya were to go that way. What about you??? This thing is not about Raila, Kalonzo, Uhuru or Ruto, but ya broke third-class ass. I personally dont see the relevance of this National Dialogue thing, I would go for the ouster of this regime. U can paint a hyena white but wont take out the greed in it. Am looking at this thing like this; CORD called for a National Dialogue and one of the things they said they will be demanding is the disbanding(or whatever the term) of IEBC. FISI NI YULE YULE. KISU PIA NI KILE KILE. Remembr the confidence people had on Kivuitu? How he was at the verge of being fired when the elections were approaching? Remember how ODM leaders tetead him? What happened afterwards? is there anyone that ever thought Kiviutu would he compromised? What about Isaac Hassan and his IEBC? The problem in Kenya is not electoral commission but the people wanting the powers. They are the one we should deal with. Yes, power in kenya is always auctioned to the highest bidder. Thats what should be changed. These Hyenas have a financial power of over a Trillion Shillings combined. The MOIs alone are worth over Ksh300billion bob(do your research if you think am lying), add that to the Kenyattas, the Kibakis, Biwotts, Kuleis and others. Theres is no way Raila can fight that with his 5-7billion bob. The only weapon here is you, The Citizen of Kenya. Go to the road and show the regime that you fed up of them, or wait to see Fidel Odinga in the frontline and perish. Go do this for your kids and descendants. We need to change how things are done in Kenya, and elections are no option.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 05:47:13 +0000

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