Am no usually one for statuses like this but a cant believe how - TopicsExpress


Am no usually one for statuses like this but a cant believe how much of a turn around this year has been and am so grateful for everything that has happened ! 2014 got off to a bad start for me as my gran passed away and me and my family were devastated, especially my dad who had a really hard time dealing with it all. I felt guilty cause i dont see a lot of my dad because of the hours we both work and i didnt see alot of my gran before she passed away and got myself in to a real nick and didnt want to go out, one minute a was down one minute a was fine, stressin ma mum out with me bein miserable & feelin guilty constantly n a wasnt performin well at ma job in the gym as a couldnt motivate myself to get up and do anythin, a genuinly thought a was goin bi - polar or somethin lol but one thing that kept goin through ma head constantly was the last thing ma gran said to me - whatever it is in life you want to do, go and get it n basically sayin dont give up till a get there. This gave me the idea to get ma latest tattoo, dream believe achieve across my chest with 2 roses either side and 2 swallows with tear drops at the bottom as a remembrance tattoo for my gran & my 2 papas. Might sound cliche but ever since i done this everything has became so brilliant, i played my first dj gig in a nightclub in march and people started to notice and listen to my stuff, got more personal training clients whos results were fantastic, i started seein more of my pals and my dad started to become happier again which had a big impact on the way i was acting and feelin then last but not least I met Rebecca who is by far the most perfect & beautiful girl av ever set eyes on n even though av been goin with her for around 3 months and we fall out n have stupid arguments a good 3/4 days oot every week a genuinely never want to lose her n am the luckiest guy in the world to be able to call her ma girlfriend 🙈 look at her then look at me ye will know wit am on aboot lol ! Then to top it aw off me & the lads Rascal Ross Andy Duncan Scott Waddell Rhys Barclay Nairn Steele & Declan Mclaren went to ibiza n had the best week of our lives n a even Djd over there which was ma ultimate dream come true 🙌 just want to say thanks to my gran for lookin after me from up there, to ma mad pals for bein the craziest and best bunch of cunts av ever met, to Jack Diamond for givin me a chance to Dj on his nights even though am one of the least experienced 🔊🎶, To Rebecca for makin ma day every day & supportin me in everythin a do - it doesnt go unnoticed babe ! & To ma mum Margaret Brown for puttin up with all ma shite 😂❤️& to everyone who has helped me out along the way 🙌 Love every last one of yous to bits ! ROLL ON CREAMFIELDS NEXT WEEK WITH MA TEAM 🙌🙌😝🔊🎶🎶🎶
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 22:18:37 +0000

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