Am working this week on a new blog post on *the right to remain - TopicsExpress


Am working this week on a new blog post on *the right to remain content*. Some people seem to think if you don’t post something every 2 hours and launch a new program every month and write a book every year and do 10 annual events and double your sales every quarter then you have ceased to be alive. Or you’re out of the game. This whole *online* marketing world is interesting. It is a game. One filled with illusion, positioning, false credibility, quantification, manipulation, voyeurism, comparison, pushing and forcing, speed versus sanity, gross versus net, and a ton of ego trips. Now, SOME of these things are a necessary part of being in business, as you have to be visible and communicate your value. But MOST are complete bullshit and not necessary. And they especially begin to slowly kill women entrepreneurs as they become more successful and feel *forced* to do more, more, more. I post this because I find myself increasingly having to “uncoach” prominent 7-figure women entrepreneurs who come to me in tears. They arrive at my doorstep after they have worked with “coaches” who have forced them into a “do MORE-do it or die-whatever it takes” success formula that’s backed them into a corner of near insanity, poor health, relationship breakdown, or near bankruptcy—all in the name of growing their revenues and looking bigger and better. (And usually this success is pushed for the coach’s own bragging rights—NOT the betterment of the client.) This type of coaching is hurting our industry and it’s weakening our female leaders. While I’m all for thinking bigger and making leaps, I’m for working smarter and more thoughtfully. I want to work LESS but increase my NET income, and that’s what I have my clients do as well. We’ve lost the whole reason we started our businesses in the first place. (For most of us, its purpose and lifestyle.) So what is the solution? Well, I’ll be sharing what’s worked for me, and what I’m having my clients do, in my blog post coming up. :) But now, I’m going to sleep. After all, I’m the mom of 18-month-old twins, and you know that means I’m excited to be in bed by 9pm… LOL. Your thoughts and comments on this appreciated, as they will help me with my article. xo Ali
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 03:58:04 +0000

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