Amanda Giannini-Hock~ Contacted my 10!!!!! Here is my plexus - TopicsExpress


Amanda Giannini-Hock~ Contacted my 10!!!!! Here is my plexus testimony ~ I started plexus on OCT 31st 2014. Let me give you a little history about myself before I go into how plexus has helped me. I have POTS and EDS. I was diagnosed in 2007 but I have had them all my life. At the time of diagnosis Drs were just learning about POTS. It was 6 days after my daughter Bella was born and I was not feeling well. I had to normally take my heart rate and blood pressure because they were never normal. I had my husband go get my blood pressure cuff. We took it and my heart rate was 21 beats per min, BP was 200/100 and I thought no way, its batteries must be low, thats now possible. WELL that was the right numbers and off to the hospital I went. I was admitted into cardiac intensive care unit after running several tests on me in the ER. They did not know what was wrong with me but knew that if they didnt do something I was not going to make it. They ran a CT scan and found out that I had a small brain bleed because of how high my BP was. They put me in a medically induced coma and I stayed that way for 3 weeks. Not sure what made me go from critical to stable but I did. I believe is was all the love and support and prayers. Once I was out of the hospital my Drs told me and my family that I was going to be in a wheelchair for a very long time. I couldnt stand for more than a mear min without passing out. My heart rate would go either 300s or faster or drop into the 20s and I would be out. I refused the wheel chair, my drs and family didnt agree. But I knew if I sat in that wheelchair I was never going to get out of it. I was weak and I was only going to decondition more in a wheelchair. Over the last 7 years I have pushed and pushed to get where I am today. I am slowly getting better and better. Its taken alot of energy and trials to get here. I have even pushed too hard and landed myself back in the hospital admitted for weeks at a time. That has happened 15 times in the last 7 years. Now that you know a bit of that and trust me I could fill you in on way more but I am trying to keep it short. I am going to move on to plexus. I live in chronic pain because of EDS and I am taking less pain meds. I havent even started the pain line yet either. I take slim, pro bio 5, bio cleanse, and block. I have alot more energy, no heart burn, lost about 6 lbs so far, feel full faster. My skin is clearing up. I have a more regular tummy No more sharp stomach pains, My headaches are less intense and my stamina is way up. I normally cant go shopping or be on my feet very long at all and on friday I went black friday shopping and I shopped for 12 hrs, thats HUGE for me. I normally can not do things normal people my age can do. I have to take rest breaks or just give up and go home and lay down. When I use energy one day, I have to spend the next 3 days recovering in bed like someone who has a severe flu. Not this year, this year plexus has gave me my life back, my daughters mother back, my husbands wife back. I am so grateful to plexus for that. I almost died more than once. And of course I am not cured by no means (even my drs cant do that) But I have hope for my furture now, I have hope I can stand when my daughters graduate, I know now I can take them to the park and go for walks. I dont care if I ever lose another pound because plexus has already givin me so much back. I am not wondering as much now if I will be alive for grand kids. I have hope and feel better and believe I will be. I am so passionate about plexus. I see a specialist in another state every 3 months for my condition. He is only one of 5 in the U.S that even treats my conditions so I am so excited to tell him how this is helping me. He knows I started it because he said it was ok. Wait till he hears how well I am doing this will be EPIC he may want other patients on plexus as well.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:55:33 +0000

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