Amanda Smiled There are no mistakes or coincidences.......No - TopicsExpress


Amanda Smiled There are no mistakes or coincidences.......No accidental meetings I believe every person that comes into our lives is placed there by God for a particular reason. Some to teach us lessons, and some to hold our hands and give us comfort. And some very special people come into out lives to give us joy. That was Amanda’s purpose on Earth. I believe God gave us this gift to bring us joy. Not just to give us joy but to teach us joy. To teach us to find joy in life’s simple pleasures.......She taught us to smile. This sweet, sweet girl came to us as a tiny baby. So sweet, so innocent and so injured........And she smiled. She was often sick and her eyesight was poor.....And she smiled. Her limbs atrophied and she developed diabetes.....And still Amanda smiled. When Amanda heard her mothers voice she would smile and laugh. She seemed to understand that God had placed her in the hands of a mother that would move heaven and Earth to take care of her. She was loved with a fierceness only mothers know. God trusted Nancy and Berley to take care of his treasure. And take care of her they did. When Berley got sick, he and Amanda were bed buddies and they made each other laugh. She later loved and was loved in return by her step dad Gary. Both Berley and Gary saved her a place in heaven. As she grew up she touched the life of many, many people. We’ll never know all the ways she changed their lives. She showed them all her smile. The life she endured here on Earth was often painful, always sad and so unfair. The light of God’s grace shown on her face everyday. God spared her the understanding of her horrible circumstances and what happened to her. He instead kept her heart unencumbered from blame or hate. She was beautiful, sweet and pure........And she smiled. As she lay on her bed in the hospital, playing peek-a-boo with the angels calling her home. She gave a big Amanda smile and one last deep breath. And at last she was at peace. I can imagine she was smiling at Berley as he gave her cotton candy. She was running up to hug her papa’s neck, wearing a beautiful dress her Aunt Terry made. She is finally free of the broken body that trapped her. She is giggling, running and dancing. And she is smiling.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 01:00:07 +0000

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